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Резултати претраге

  • понашање када се носите са only комндама у handout режиму. Рецимо да имате овакав код \only<1>{\includegraphics{pic1.eps}} \only<2>{\includegraphics{pic2…
    34 kB (2.792 речи) - 23:43, 24. јануар 2016.
  • providing a free collection of knowledge for everyone; naturally enough, only if you agree. If that is the case, could you kindly fill in the attached…
    12 kB (963 речи) - 03:04, 2. фебруар 2016.
  • stackexchange.com/questions/28556/how-to-place-a-float-at-the-top-of-a-floats-only-page http://ftp.univie.ac.at/packages/tex/macros/latex/contrib/wrapfig/wrapfig-doc…
    44 kB (2.942 речи) - 23:16, 24. јануар 2016.
  • efficiency unimportant? Examples of these cases include prototypes that are used only a few times, cases where the input is small, when simplicity and ease of…
    27 kB (2.347 речи) - 22:10, 17. фебруар 2016.