Ово је место где се воде расправе, коментарише и договара. Док нема много корисника и књига може се све водити на овој страни.

Voting has begun for eligible voters in the 2017 elections for the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees.
The Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees is the ultimate governing authority of the Wikimedia Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization registered in the United States. The Wikimedia Foundation manages many diverse projects such as Wikipedia and Commons.
The voting phase lasts from 00:00 UTC May 1 to 23:59 UTC May 14. Click here to vote. More information on the candidates and the elections can be found on the 2017 Board of Trustees election page on Meta-Wiki.
On behalf of the Elections Committee,
Katie Chan, Chair, Wikimedia Foundation Elections Committee
Joe Sutherland, Community Advocate, Wikimedia Foundation
21:14, 3. мај 2017. (CEST)
Beta Feature Two Column Edit Conflict View
[уреди]Birgit Müller (WMDE) 16:41, 8. мај 2017. (CEST)
Editing News #1—2017
[уреди]Read this in another language • Subscription list for this multilingual newsletter

Did you know that you can review your changes visually?

In visual mode, you will see additions, removals, new links, and formatting highlighted. Other changes, such as changing the size of an image, are described in notes on the side.

Click the toggle button to switch between visual and wikitext diffs.

The wikitext diff is the same diff tool that is used in the wikitext editors and in the page history. You can read and help translate the user guide, which has more information about how to use the visual editor.
Since the last newsletter, the VisualEditor Team has spent most of their time supporting the 2017 wikitext editor mode which is available inside the visual editor as a Beta Feature, and adding the new visual diff tool. Their workboard is available in Phabricator. You can find links to the work finished each week at mw:VisualEditor/Weekly triage meetings. Their current priorities are fixing bugs, supporting the 2017 wikitext editor as a beta feature, and improving the visual diff tool.
Recent changes
[уреди]- A new wikitext editing mode is available as a Beta Feature on desktop devices. The 2017 wikitext editor has the same toolbar as the visual editor and can use the citoid service and other modern tools. Go to Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-betafeatures to enable the ⧼Visualeditor-preference-newwikitexteditor-label⧽.
- A new visual diff tool is available in VisualEditor's visual mode. You can toggle between wikitext and visual diffs. More features will be added to this later. In the future, this tool may be integrated into other MediaWiki components. [1]
- The team have added multi-column support for lists of footnotes. The
<references />
block can automatically display long lists of references in columns on wide screens. This makes footnotes easier to read. You can request multi-column support for your wiki. [2] - You can now use your web browser's function to switch typing direction in the new wikitext mode. This is particularly helpful for RTL language users like Urdu or Hebrew who have to write JavaScript or CSS. You can use Command+Shift+X or Control+Shift+X to trigger this. [3]
- The way to switch between the visual editing mode and the wikitext editing mode is now consistent. There is a drop-down menu that shows the two options. This is now the same in desktop and mobile web editing, and inside things that embed editing, such as Flow. [4]
- The Категорије item has been moved to the top of the Опције странице menu (from clicking on the "hamburger" icon) for quicker access. [5] There is also now a "Templates used on this page" feature there. [6]
- You can now create
tags (sometimes used as<ce>
) for chemical formulas inside the visual editor. [7] - Tables can be set as collapsed or un-collapsed. [8]
- The Посебан знак menu now includes characters for Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics and angle quotation marks (‹› and ⟨⟩) . The team thanks the volunteer developer, Tpt. [9]
- A bug caused some section edit conflicts to blank the rest of the page. This has been fixed. The team are sorry for the disruption. [10]
- There is a new keyboard shortcut for citations:
on a PC, orCommand
on a Mac. It is based on the keyboard shortcut for making links, which isControl
respectively. [11]
Future changes
[уреди]- The team is working on a syntax highlighting tool. It will highlight matching pairs of
tags and other types of wikitext syntax. You will be able to turn it on and off. It will first become available in VisualEditor's built-in wikitext mode, maybe late in 2017. [12] - The kind of button used to Прикажи претпреглед, Прикажи измене, and finish an edit will change in all WMF-supported wikitext editors. The new buttons will use OOjs UI. The buttons will be larger, brighter, and easier to read. The labels will remain the same. You can test the new button by editing a page and adding
to the end of the URL, like this: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Project:Sandbox?action=edit&ooui=1 The old appearance will no longer be possible, even with local CSS changes. [13] - The outdated 2006 wikitext editor will be removed later this year. It is used by approximately 0.03% of active editors. See a list of editing tools on mediawiki.org if you are uncertain which one you use. [14]
- If you aren't reading this in your preferred language, then please help us with translations! Subscribe to the Translators mailing list or contact us directly, so that we can notify you when the next issue is ready. Хвала вам!
20:05, 12. мај 2017. (CEST)
[уреди]Birgit Müller (WMDE) 16:44, 16. мај 2017. (CEST)

The Wikimedia movement strategy core team and working groups have completed reviewing the more than 1800 thematic statements we received from the first discussion. They have identified 5 themes that were consistent across all the conversations - each with their own set of sub-themes. These are not the final themes, just an initial working draft of the core concepts.
You are invited to join the online and offline discussions taking place on these 5 themes. This round of discussions will take place between now and June 12th. You can discuss as many as you like; we ask you to participate in the ones that are most (or least) important to you.
Here are the five themes, each has a page on Meta-Wiki with more information about the theme and how to participate in that theme's discussion:
- Healthy, Inclusive Communities
- The Augmented Age
- A Truly Global Movement
- The Most Respected Source of Knowledge
- Engaging in the Knowledge Ecosystem
On the movement strategy portal on Meta-Wiki, you can find more information about each of these themes, their discussions, and how to participate.
Posted by MediaWiki message delivery on behalf of the Wikimedia Foundation • Помозите у превођењу на свој језик • Get help23:09, 16. мај 2017. (CEST)

On behalf of the Wikimedia Foundation Elections Committee, we are pleased to announce that self-nominations are being accepted for the 2017 Wikimedia Foundation Funds Dissemination Committee and Funds Dissemination Committee Ombudsperson elections. Please read the letter from the Wikimedia Foundation calling for candidates at on the 2017 Wikimedia Foundation elections portal.
Funds Dissemination Committee
The Funds Dissemination Committee (FDC) makes recommendations about how to allocate Wikimedia movement funds to eligible entities. There are five positions being filled. More information about this role can be found at the FDC elections page.
Funds Dissemination Committee Ombudsperson
The Funds Dissemination Committee Ombudsperson receives complaints and feedback about the FDC process, investigates complaints at the request of the Board of Trustees, and summarizes the investigations and feedback for the Board of Trustees on an annual basis. One position is being filled. More information about this role can be found at the FDC Ombudsperson elections page.
The candidacy submission phase will last until May 28 (23:59 UTC).
We will also be accepting questions to ask the candidates until May 28. You can submit your questions on Meta-Wiki. Once the questions submission period has ended on May 28, the Elections Committee will then collate the questions for the candidates to respond to.
The goal of this process is to fill the five community-selected seats on the Wikimedia Foundation Funds Dissemination Committee and the community-selected ombudsperson. The election results will be used by the Board itself to make the appointments.
The full schedule for the FDC elections is as follows. All dates are inclusive, that is, from the beginning of the first day (UTC) to the end of the last.
- May 15 (00:00 UTC) – May 28 (23:59 UTC) – Nominations
- May 15 – May 28 – Candidates questions submission period
- May 29 – June 2 – Candidates answer questions
- June 3 – June 11 – Voting period
- June 12–14 – Vote checking
- June 15 – Goal date for announcing election results
More information on this year's elections can be found at the 2017 Wikimedia Foundation elections portal.
Please feel free to post a note about the election on your project's village pump. Any questions related to the election can be posted on the talk page on Meta-Wiki, or sent to the election committee's mailing list, board-electionswikimedia.org.
On behalf of the Election Committee,
Katie Chan, Chair, Wikimedia Foundation Elections Committee
Joe Sutherland, Community Advocate, Wikimedia Foundation
23:05, 23. мај 2017. (CEST)
Кандидатура за бирократска права — Ранко Николић
[уреди]Кандидујем се за добијање бирократских права. --Ранко Николић (разговор) 22:44, 31. мај 2017. (CEST)
за Наравно. Zoranzoki21 (разговор) 22:52, 31. мај 2017. (CEST)
за --Жељко Тодоровић (разговор) 00:19, 1. јун 2017. (CEST) с. р.
Improved search in deleted pages archive
[уреди]Помозите у превођењу на свој језик
During Wikimedia Hackathon 2016, the Discovery team worked on one of the items on the 2015 community wishlist, namely enabling searching the archive of deleted pages. This feature is now ready for production deployment, and will be enabled on all wikis, except Wikidata.
Right now, the feature is behind a feature flag - to use it on your wiki, please go to the Special:Undelete
page, and add &fuzzy=1
to the URL, like this: https://test.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Special%3AUndelete&fuzzy=1. Then search for the pages you're interested in. There should be more results than before, due to using ElasticSearch indexing (via the CirrusSearch extension).
We plan to enable this improved search by default on all wikis soon (around August 1, 2017). If you have any objections to this - please raise them with the Discovery team via email or on this announcement's discussion page. Like most Mediawiki configuration parameters, the functionality can be configured per wiki.
Once the improved search becomes the default, you can still access the old mode using &fuzzy=0
in the URL, like this: https://test.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Special%3AUndelete&fuzzy=0
Please note that since Special:Undelete is an admin-only feature, this search capability is also only accessible to wiki admins.
Хвала вам! CKoerner (WMF) (talk) 20:39, 25. јул 2017. (CEST)
Accessible editing buttons
[уреди]You can see and use the old and new versions now. Most editors will only notice that some buttons are slightly larger and have different colors.
- Comparison of old and new styles
Buttons before the change
Buttons after the change
However, this change also affects some user scripts and gadgets. Unfortunately, some of them may not work well in the new system. If you maintain any user scripts or gadgets that are used for editing, please see mw:Contributors/Projects/Accessible editing buttons for information on how to test and fix your scripts. Outdated scripts can be tested and fixed now.
This change will probably reach this wiki on Tuesday, 1 August 2017. Please leave a note at mw:Talk:Contributors/Projects/Accessible editing buttons if you need help.--Whatamidoing (WMF) (talk) 18:56, 27. јул 2017. (CEST)
Ажурирање логоа
[уреди]На Википедији је покренута расправа за формални концензус да се ажурира лого. Добродошла су мишљења свих уредника ако их има, а расправа је покренута тамо из практичних разлога, јер има више уредника (који ће се можда и активирати на неком од сродних пројеката као што је овај) и да све буде на једном месту. --Obsuser (разговор) 15:18, 2. август 2017. (CEST)
Adding content namespaces to search results
[уреди]Помозите у превођењу на свој језик
Currently, when you search on this wiki, the search results only return certain namespaces. It has recently been noticed that the "main content namespaces" list doesn't match the "default search namespaces" list on this wiki. (phab:T170473)
Currently this wiki's search returns the main namespace. The content namespace кувар is also available if the community thinks that adding this namespaces is appropriate.
Would this community like to discuss adding кувар to the search results? I am more than happy to help make the change however the community decides.
Хвала вам! CKoerner (WMF) (разговор) 00:09, 30. август 2017. (CEST)
New print to pdf feature for mobile web readers
[уреди]New print to pdf feature for mobile web readers
The Readers web team will be deploying a new feature this week to make it easier to download PDF versions of articles on the mobile website.
Providing better offline functionality was one of the highlighted areas from the research done by the New Readers team in Mexico, Nigeria, and India. The teams created a prototype for mobile PDFs which was evaluated by user research and community feedback. The prototype evaluation received positive feedback and results, so development continued.
For the initial deployment, the feature will be available to Google Chrome browsers on Android. Support for other mobile browsers to come in the future. For Chrome, the feature will use the native Android print functionality. Users can choose to download a webpage as a PDF. Mobile print styles will be used for these PDFs to ensure optimal readability for smaller screens.
The feature is available starting Wednesday, Nov 15. For more information, see the project page on MediaWiki.org.
Хвала вам!
CKoerner (WMF) (talk) 23:07, 20. новембар 2017. (CET)
Editing News #1—2018
[уреди]Read this in another language • Subscription list for this multilingual newsletter

Did you know that you can now use the visual diff tool on any page?

Sometimes, it is hard to see important changes in a wikitext diff. This screenshot of a wikitext diff (click to enlarge) shows that the paragraphs have been rearranged, but it does not highlight the removal of a word or the addition of a new sentence.
If you enable the Beta Feature for "⧼visualeditor-preference-visualdiffpage-label⧽", you will have a new option. It will give you a new box at the top of every diff page. This box will let you choose either diff system on any edit.

Click the toggle button to switch between visual and wikitext diffs.
In the visual diff, additions, removals, new links, and formatting changes will be highlighted. Other changes, such as changing the size of an image, are described in notes on the side.

This screenshot shows the same edit as the wikitext diff. The visual diff highlights the removal of one word and the addition of a new sentence.
You can read and help translate the user guide, which has more information about how to use the visual editor.
Since the last newsletter, the Editing Team has spent most of their time supporting the 2017 wikitext editor mode, which is available inside the visual editor as a Beta Feature, and improving the visual diff tool. Their work board is available in Phabricator. You can find links to the work finished each week at mw:VisualEditor/Weekly triage meetings. Their current priorities are fixing bugs, supporting the 2017 wikitext editor, and improving the visual diff tool.
Recent changes
[уреди]- The 2017 wikitext editor is available as a Beta Feature on desktop devices. It has the same toolbar as the visual editor and can use the citoid service and other modern tools. The team have been comparing the performance of different editing environments. They have studied how long it takes to open the page and start typing. The study uses data for more than one million edits during December and January. Some changes have been made to improve the speed of the 2017 wikitext editor and the visual editor. Recently, the 2017 wikitext editor opened fastest for most edits, and the 2010 WikiEditor was fastest for some edits. More information will be posted at mw:Contributors/Projects/Editing performance.
- The visual diff tool was developed for the visual editor. It is now available to all users of the visual editor and the 2017 wikitext editor. When you review your changes, you can toggle between wikitext and visual diffs. You can also enable the new Beta Feature for "Visual diffs". The Beta Feature lets you use the visual diff tool to view other people's edits on page histories and Special:RecentChanges. [15]
- Wikitext syntax highlighting is available as a Beta Feature for both the 2017 wikitext editor and the 2010 wikitext editor. [16]
- The citoid service automatically translates URLs, DOIs, ISBNs, and PubMed id numbers into wikitext citation templates. It is very popular and useful to editors, although it can be a bit tricky to set up. Your wiki can have this service. Please read the instructions. You can ask the team to help you enable citoid at your wiki.
Let's work together
[уреди]- The team will talk about editing tools at an upcoming Wikimedia Foundation metrics and activities meeting.
- Wikibooks, Wikiversity, and other communities may have the visual editor made available by default to contributors. If your community wants this, then please contact Dan Garry.
- The
<references />
block can automatically display long lists of references in columns on wide screens. This makes footnotes easier to read. You can request multi-column support for your wiki. [17] - If you aren't reading this in your preferred language, then please help us with translations! Subscribe to the Translators mailing list or contact us directly. We will notify you when the next issue is ready for translation. Хвала вам!
21:56, 2. март 2018. (CET)
[уреди]Birgit Müller (WMDE) 16:53, 7. мај 2018. (CEST)
Update on page issues on mobile web
[уреди]Update on page issues on mobile web
Помозите у превођењу на свој језик Hi everyone. The Readers web team has recently begun working on exposing issue templates on the mobile website. Currently, details about issues with page content are generally hidden on the mobile website. This leaves readers unaware of the reliability of the pages they are reading. The goal of this project is to improve awareness of particular issues within an article on the mobile web. We will do this by changing the visual styling of page issues.
So far, we have drafted a proposal on the design and implementation of the project. We were also able to run user testing on the proposed designs. The tests so far have positive results. Here is a quick summary of what we learned:
- The new treatment increases awareness of page issues among participants. This is true particularly when they are in a more evaluative/critical mode.
- Page issues make sense to readers and they understand how they work
- Readers care about page issues and consider them important
- Readers had overwhelmingly positive sentiments towards Wikipedia associated with learning about page issues
Our next step would be to start implementing these changes. We wanted to reach out to you for any concerns, thoughts, and suggestions you might have before beginning development. Please visit the project page where we have more information and mockups of how this may look. Please leave feedback on the talk page.
CKoerner (WMF) (talk) 22:58, 12. јун 2018. (CEST)
Global preferences are available
[уреди]Global preferences are now available, you can set them by visiting your new global preferences page. Visit mediawiki.org for information on how to use them and leave feedback. -- Keegan (WMF) (talk)
21:19, 10. јул 2018. (CEST)
New user group for editing sitewide CSS / JS
[уреди](Помозите у превођењу на свој језик)
Hi all!
To improve the security of our readers and editors, permission handling for CSS/JS pages has changed. (These are pages like MediaWiki:Common.css
and MediaWiki:Vector.js
which contain code that is executed in the browsers of users of the site.)
A new user group, interface-admin
, has been created.
Starting four weeks from now, only members of this group will be able edit CSS/JS pages that they do not own (that is, any page ending with .css
or .js
that is either in the MediaWiki:
namespace or is another user's user subpage).
You can learn more about the motivation behind the change here.
Please add users who need to edit CSS/JS to the new group (this can be done the same way new administrators are added, by stewards or local bureaucrats). This is a dangerous permission; a malicious user or a hacker taking over the account of a careless interface-admin can abuse it in far worse ways than admin permissions could be abused. Please only assign it to users who need it, who are trusted by the community, and who follow common basic password and computer security practices (use strong passwords, do not reuse passwords, use two-factor authentication if possible, do not install software of questionable origin on your machine, use antivirus software if that's a standard thing in your environment).
Tgr (talk) 19:45, 30. јул 2018. (CEST) (via global message delivery)
Editing of sitewide CSS/JS is only possible for interface administrators from now
[уреди](Помозите у превођењу на свој језик)
Hi all,
as announced previously, permission handling for CSS/JS pages has changed: only members of the interface-admin
(Администратори интерфејса) group, and a few highly privileged global groups such as stewards, can edit CSS/JS pages that they do not own (that is, any page ending with .css or .js that is either in the MediaWiki: namespace or is another user's user subpage). This is done to improve the security of readers and editors of Wikimedia projects. More information is available at Creation of separate user group for editing sitewide CSS/JS. If you encounter any unexpected problems, please contact me or file a bug.
Tgr (talk) 14:40, 27. август 2018. (CEST) (via global message delivery)
Read-only mode for up to an hour on 12 September and 10 October
[уреди]Read this message in another language • Помозите у превођењу на свој језик
The Wikimedia Foundation will be testing its secondary data centre. This will make sure that Wikipedia and the other Wikimedia wikis can stay online even after a disaster. To make sure everything is working, the Wikimedia Technology department needs to do a planned test. This test will show if they can reliably switch from one data centre to the other. It requires many teams to prepare for the test and to be available to fix any unexpected problems.
They will switch all traffic to the secondary data center on Wednesday, 12 September 2018. On Wednesday, 10 October 2018, they will switch back to the primary data center.
Unfortunately, because of some limitations in MediaWiki, all editing must stop when we switch. We apologize for this disruption, and we are working to minimize it in the future.
You will be able to read, but not edit, all wikis for a short period of time.
- You will not be able to edit for up to an hour on Wednesday, 12 September and Wednesday, 10 October. The test will start at 14:00 UTC (15:00 BST, 16:00 CEST, 10:00 EDT, 07:00 PDT, 23:00 JST, and in New Zealand at 02:00 NZST on Thursday 13 September and Thursday 11 October).
- If you try to edit or save during these times, you will see an error message. We hope that no edits will be lost during these minutes, but we can't guarantee it. If you see the error message, then please wait until everything is back to normal. Then you should be able to save your edit. But, we recommend that you make a copy of your changes first, just in case.
Other effects:
- Background jobs will be slower and some may be dropped. Red links might not be updated as quickly as normal. If you create an article that is already linked somewhere else, the link will stay red longer than usual. Some long-running scripts will have to be stopped.
- There will be code freezes for the weeks of 10 September 2018 and 8 October 2018. Non-essential code deployments will not happen.
This project may be postponed if necessary. You can read the schedule at wikitech.wikimedia.org. Any changes will be announced in the schedule. There will be more notifications about this. Please share this information with your community. /User:Johan(WMF) (talk)
15:33, 6. септембар 2018. (CEST)
Editing News #2—2018
[уреди]Read this in another language • Subscription list for this multilingual newsletter

Did you know?
Did you know that you can use the visual editor on a mobile device?

Tap on the pencil icon to start editing. The page will probably open in the wikitext editor.
You will see another pencil icon in the toolbar. Tap on that pencil icon to the switch between visual editing and wikitext editing.

Remember to publish your changes when you're done.
You can read and help translate the user guide, which has more information about how to use the visual editor.Since the last newsletter, the Editing Team has wrapped up most of their work on the 2017 wikitext editor and the visual diff tool. The team has begun investigating the needs of editors who use mobile devices. Their work board is available in Phabricator. Their current priorities are fixing bugs and improving mobile editing.
Recent changes
[уреди]- The Editing team has published an initial report about mobile editing.
- The Editing team has begun a design study of visual editing on the mobile website. New editors have trouble doing basic tasks on a smartphone, such as adding links to Wikipedia articles. You can read the report.
- The Reading team is working on a separate mobile-based contributions project.
- The 2006 wikitext editor is no longer supported. If you used that toolbar, then you will no longer see any toolbar. You may choose another editing tool in your editing preferences, local gadgets, or beta features.
- The Editing team described the history and status of VisualEditor in this recorded public presentation (starting at 29 minutes, 30 seconds).
- The Language team released a new version of Content Translation (CX2) last month, on International Translation Day. It integrates the visual editor to support templates, tables, and images. It also produces better wikitext when the translated article is published. [18]
Let's work together
[уреди]- The Editing team wants to improve visual editing on the mobile website. Please read their ideas and tell the team what you think would help editors who use the mobile site.
- The Community Wishlist Survey begins next week.
- If you aren't reading this in your preferred language, then please help us with translations! Subscribe to the Translators mailing list or contact us directly. We will notify you when the next issue is ready for translation. Хвала вам!
15:17, 2. новембар 2018. (CET)
Change coming to how certain templates will appear on the mobile web
[уреди]Change coming to how certain templates will appear on the mobile web
Помозите у превођењу на свој језик

In a few weeks the Readers web team will be changing how some templates look on the mobile web site. We will make these templates more noticeable when viewing the article. We ask for your help in updating any templates that don't look correct.
What kind of templates? Specifically templates that notify readers and contributors about issues with the content of an article – the text and information in the article. Examples like Template:Unreferenced or Template:More citations needed. Right now these notifications are hidden behind a link under the title of an article. We will format templates like these (mostly those that use Template:Ambox or message box templates in general) to show a short summary under the page title. You can tap on the "Learn more" link to get more information.
For template editors we have some recommendations on how to make templates that are mobile-friendly and also further documentation on our work so far.
If you have questions about formatting templates for mobile, please leave a note on the project talk page or file a task in Phabricator and we will help you.
Хвала вам!
CKoerner (WMF) (talk) 20:35, 13. новембар 2018. (CET)
Community Wishlist Survey vote
[уреди]The Community Wishlist Survey. Помозите у превођењу на свој језик.
Hey everyone,
The Community Wishlist Survey is the process when the Wikimedia communities decide what the Wikimedia Foundation Community Tech should work on over the next year.
The Community Tech team is focused on tools for experienced Wikimedia editors. The communities have now posted a long list of technical proposals. You can vote on the proposals from now until 30 November. You can read more on the wishlist survey page.
/User:Johan (WMF)19:13, 22. новембар 2018. (CET)
Advanced Search
[уреди]Johanna Strodt (WMDE) (talk) 12:03, 26. новембар 2018. (CET)
New Wikimedia password policy and requirements
[уреди]Помозите у превођењу на свој језик
The Wikimedia Foundation security team is implementing a new password policy and requirements. You can learn more about the project on MediaWiki.org.
These new requirements will apply to new accounts and privileged accounts. New accounts will be required to create a password with a minimum length of 8 characters. Privileged accounts will be prompted to update their password to one that is at least 10 characters in length.
These changes are planned to be in effect on December 13th. If you think your work or tools will be affected by this change, please let us know on the talk page.
Хвала вам!
CKoerner (WMF) (talk) 21:03, 6. децембар 2018. (CET)
Invitation from Wiki Loves Love 2019
[уреди]Помозите у превођењу на свој језик

Love is an important subject for humanity and it is expressed in different cultures and regions in different ways across the world through different gestures, ceremonies, festivals and to document expression of this rich and beautiful emotion, we need your help so we can share and spread the depth of cultures that each region has, the best of how people of that region, celebrate love.
Wiki Loves Love (WLL) is an international photography competition of Wikimedia Commons with the subject love testimonials happening in the month of February.
The primary goal of the competition is to document love testimonials through human cultural diversity such as monuments, ceremonies, snapshot of tender gesture, and miscellaneous objects used as symbol of love; to illustrate articles in the worldwide free encyclopedia Wikipedia, and other Wikimedia Foundation (WMF) projects.
The theme of 2019 iteration is Celebrations, Festivals, Ceremonies and rituals of love.
Sign up your affiliate or individually at Participants page.
To know more about the contest, check out our Commons Page and FAQs
There are several prizes to grab. Hope to see you spreading love this February with Wiki Loves Love!
Kind regards,
Imagine... the sum of all love!
--MediaWiki message delivery (разговор) 11:13, 27. децембар 2018. (CET)
Захтев за администраторско право - Zoranzoki21
[уреди]Подносим захтев за администраторско право по Ранковом предлогу. Zoranzoki21 (разговор) 17:52, 13. јануар 2019. (CET)
Зоране, захтеви за администраторска овлашћења се подносе на Викикњиге:Администратори. Тамо покрени ново гласање. --FriedrickMILBarbarossa (разговор) 00:00, 14. јануар 2019. (CET)
- Само покрени гласање на одговарајућем мјесту и имаш моју подршку. —Ранко Николић (разговор) 23:01, 17. јануар 2019. (CET)
FileExporter beta feature
A new beta feature will soon be released on all wikis: The FileExporter. It allows exports of files from a local wiki to Wikimedia Commons, including their file history and page history. Which files can be exported is defined by each wiki's community: Please check your wiki's configuration file if you want to use this feature.
The FileExporter has already been a beta feature on mediawiki.org, meta.wikimedia, deWP, faWP, arWP, koWP and on wikisource.org. After some functionality was added, it's now becoming a beta feature on all wikis. Deployment is planned for January 16. More information can be found on the project page.
As always, feedback is highly appreciated. If you want to test the FileExporter, please activate it in your user preferences. The best place for feedback is the central talk page. Thank you from Wikimedia Deutschland's Technical Wishes project.
Johanna Strodt (WMDE) 10:41, 14. јануар 2019. (CET)
No editing for 30 minutes on 17 January
[уреди]19:54, 16. јануар 2019. (CET)
Talk to us about talking
The Wikimedia Foundation is planning a global consultation about communication. The goal is to bring Wikimedians and wiki-minded people together to improve tools for communication.
We want all contributors to be able to talk to each other on the wikis, whatever their experience, their skills or their devices.
We are looking for input from as many different parts of the Wikimedia community as possible. It will come from multiple projects, in multiple languages, and with multiple perspectives.
We are currently planning the consultation. We need your help.
We need volunteers to help talk to their communities or user groups.
You can help by hosting a discussion at your wiki. Here's what to do:
- First, sign up your group here.
- Next, create a page (or a section on a Village pump, or an e-mail thread – whatever is natural for your group) to collect information from other people in your group. This is not a vote or decision-making discussion: we are just collecting feedback.
- Then ask people what they think about communication processes. We want to hear stories and other information about how people communicate with each other on and off wiki. Please consider asking these five questions:
- When you want to discuss a topic with your community, what tools work for you, and what problems block you?
- What about talk pages works for newcomers, and what blocks them?
- What do others struggle with in your community about talk pages?
- What do you wish you could do on talk pages, but can't due to the technical limitations?
- What are the important aspects of a "wiki discussion"?
- Finally, please go to Talk pages consultation 2019 on Mediawiki.org and report what you learned from your group. Please include links if the discussion is available to the public.
You can also help build the list of the many different ways people talk to each other.
Not all groups active on wikis or around wikis use the same way to discuss things: it can happen on wiki, on social networks, through external tools... Tell us how your group communicates.
You can read more about the overall process on mediawiki.org. If you have questions or ideas, you can leave feedback about the consultation process in the language you prefer.
Thank you! We're looking forward to talking with you.
Trizek (WMF) 16:01, 21. фебруар 2019. (CET)
Read-only mode for up to 30 minutes on 11 April
[уреди]12:56, 8. април 2019. (CEST)
Wikimedia Foundation Medium-Term Plan feedback request
[уреди]Помозите у превођењу на свој језик
Multilingual Shared Templates and Modules
[уреди]I recently organized a project to share templates and modules between wiki projects and languages. It allows modules and templates to be “language-neutral”, and store all text translations on Commons. This means that it is enough to copy/paste a template without any changes, and update the translations separately. If someone fixes a bug or adds a new feature in the original module, you can copy/paste it again without any translation work. My bot DiBabelYurikBot can help with copying. This way users can spend more time on content, and less time on updating and copying templates. Please see project page for details and ask questions on talk page.
P.S. I am currently running for the Wikimedia board, focusing on content and support of multi-language communities. If you liked my projects like maps, graphs, or this one, I will be happy to receive your support. (any registered user group can vote). Thank you! --Yurik (🗨️) 06:27, 12. мај 2019. (CEST)Editing News #1—July 2019
[уреди]Read this in another language • Subscription list for this multilingual newsletter

Did you know?
Did you know that you can use the visual editor on a mobile device?
Every article has a pencil icon at the top. Tap on the pencil icon to start editing.
Edit Cards

This is what the new Edit Cards for editing links in the mobile visual editor look like. You can try the prototype here: 📲 Try Edit Cards.
Welcome back to the Editing newsletter.
Since the last newsletter, the team has released two new features for the mobile visual editor and has started developing three more. All of this work is part of the team's goal to make editing on mobile web simpler.
Before talking about the team's recent releases, we have a question for you:
Are you willing to try a new way to add and change links?
If you are interested, we would value your input! You can try this new link tool in the mobile visual editor on a separate wiki.
Follow these instructions and share your experience:
Recent releases
[уреди]The mobile visual editor is a simpler editing tool, for smartphones and tablets using the mobile site. The Editing team recently launched two new features to improve the mobile visual editor:
- Section editing
- The purpose is to help contributors focus on their edits.
- The team studied this with an A/B test. This test showed that contributors who could use section editing were 1% more likely to publish the edits they started than people with only full-page editing.
- Loading overlay
- The purpose is to smooth the transition between reading and editing.
Section editing and the new loading overlay are now available to everyone using the mobile visual editor.
New and active projects
[уреди]This is a list of our most active projects. Watch these pages to learn about project updates and to share your input on new designs, prototypes and research findings.
- Edit cards: This is a clearer way to add and edit links, citations, images, templates, etc. in articles. You can try this feature now. Go here to see how: 📲 Try Edit Cards.
- Mobile toolbar refresh: This project will learn if contributors are more successful when the editing tools are easier to recognize.
- Mobile visual editor availability: This A/B test asks: Are newer contributors more successful if they use the mobile visual editor? We are collaborating with 20 Wikipedias to answer this question.
- Usability improvements: This project will make the mobile visual editor easier to use. The goal is to let contributors stay focused on editing and to feel more confident in the editing tools.
Looking ahead
[уреди]- Wikimania: Several members of the Editing Team will be attending Wikimania in August 2019. They will lead a session about mobile editing in the Community Growth space. Talk to the team about how editing can be improved.
- Talk Pages: In the coming months, the Editing Team will begin improving talk pages and communication on the wikis.
Learning more
[уреди]The VisualEditor on mobile is a good place to learn more about the projects we are working on. The team wants to talk with you about anything related to editing. If you have something to say or ask, please leave a message at Talk:VisualEditor on mobile.
20:32, 23. јул 2019. (CEST)
Update on the consultation about office actions
[уреди]Hello all,
Last month, the Wikimedia Foundation's Trust & Safety team announced a future consultation about partial and/or temporary office actions. We want to let you know that the draft version of this consultation has now been posted on Meta.
This is a draft. It is not intended to be the consultation itself, which will be posted on Meta likely in early September. Please do not treat this draft as a consultation. Instead, we ask your assistance in forming the final language for the consultation.
For that end, we would like your input over the next couple of weeks about what questions the consultation should ask about partial and temporary Foundation office action bans and how it should be formatted. Please post it on the draft talk page. Our goal is to provide space for the community to discuss all the aspects of these office actions that need to be discussed, and we want to ensure with your feedback that the consultation is presented in the best way to encourage frank and constructive conversation.
Please visit the consultation draft on Meta-wiki and leave your comments on the draft’s talk page about what the consultation should look like and what questions it should ask.
Thank you for your input! -- The Trust & Safety team 10:03, 16. август 2019. (CEST)
New tools and IP masking
[уреди]Hey everyone,
The Wikimedia Foundation wants to work on two things that affect how we patrol changes and handle vandalism and harassment. We want to make the tools that are used to handle bad edits better. We also want to get better privacy for unregistered users so their IP addresses are no longer shown to everyone in the world. We would not hide IP addresses until we have better tools for patrolling.
We have an idea of what tools could be working better and how a more limited access to IP addresses would change things, but we need to hear from more wikis. You can read more about the project on Meta and post comments and feedback. Now is when we need to hear from you to be able to give you better tools to handle vandalism, spam and harassment.
You can post in your language if you can't write in English.
Johan (WMF)16:18, 21. август 2019. (CEST)
The consultation on partial and temporary Foundation bans just started
У недавној изјави, Поверенички одбор Задужбине Викимедије затражио је да особље одржи консултације како би "преиспитао или додао допринос заједнице двема новим политикама деловања алата (привремене и делимичне забране од стране фондације)".
У складу с тим, тим Фондације за поверење и безбедност позива све Викимедијанце да се придруже овом саветовању и дају своје повратне информације од 30. септембра до 30. октобра.
Како можете помоћи?
- Предложи како се могу користити делимичне и привремене забране од стране Фондације (нпр. На свим пројектима или само на одређеним);
- Дајте идеје о томе како се делимичне и привремене забране Фондације требају идеално спровести, ако би требале бити; и/или
- Предложите измене у постојећој политици о делимичним и привременим забранама.
Унапред се захваљујемо на вашем доприносу и надамо се да ћемо добити што више доприноса од чланова заједнице током ових консултација!
-- Kbrown (WMF) 19:13, 30. септембар 2019. (CEST)
Feedback wanted on Desktop Improvements project
[уреди]Помозите у превођењу на свој језик
Здраво. The Readers Web team at the WMF will work on some improvements to the desktop interface over the next couple of years. The goal is to increase usability without removing any functionality. We have been inspired by changes made by volunteers, but that currently only exist as local gadgets and user scripts, prototypes, and volunteer-led skins. We would like to begin the process of bringing some of these changes into the default experience on all Wikimedia projects.
We are currently in the research stage of this project and are looking for ideas for improvements, as well as feedback on our current ideas and mockups. So far, we have performed interviews with community members at Wikimania. We have gathered lists of previous volunteer and WMF work in this area. We are examining possible technical approaches for such changes.
We would like individual feedback on the following:
- Identifying focus areas for the project we have not yet discovered
- Expanding the list of existing gadgets and user scripts that are related to providing a better desktop experience. If you can think of some of these from your wiki, please let us know
- Feedback on the ideas and mockups we have collected so far
We would also like to gather a list of wikis that would be interested in being test wikis for this project - these wikis would be the first to receive the updates once we’re ready to start building.
When giving feedback, please consider the following goals of the project:
- Make it easier for readers to focus on the content
- Provide easier access to everyday actions (e.g. search, language switching, editing)
- Put things in logical and useful places
- Increase consistency in the interface with other platforms - mobile web and the apps
- Eliminate clutter
- Plan for future growth
As well as the following constraints:
- Not touching the content - no work will be done in terms of styling templates or to the structure of page contents themselves
- Not removing any functionality - things might move around, but all navigational items and other functionality currently available by default will remain
- No drastic changes to the layout - we're taking an evolutionary approach to the changes and want the site to continue feeling familiar to readers and editors
Please give all feedback (in any language) at mw:Talk:Reading/Web/Desktop Improvements
After this round of feedback, we plan on building a prototype of suggested changes based on the feedback we receive. You’ll hear from us again asking for feedback on this prototype.
Хвала вам! Quiddity (WMF) (talk)
09:14, 16. октобар 2019. (CEST)
Editing News #2 – Mobile editing and talk pages
[уреди]Read this in another language • Subscription list for this multilingual newsletter
Inside this newsletter, the Editing team talks about their work on the mobile visual editor, on the new talk pages project, and at Wikimania 2019.
[уреди]What talk page interactions do you remember? Is it a story about how someone helped you to learn something new? Is it a story about how someone helped you get involved in a group? Something else? Whatever your story is, we want to hear it!
Please tell us a story about how you used a talk page. Please share a link to a memorable discussion, or describe it on the talk page for this project. The team wants your examples. These examples will help everyone develop a shared understanding of what this project should support and encourage.
Talk pages project
[уреди]The Talk Pages Consultation was a global consultation to define better tools for wiki communication. From February through June 2019, more than 500 volunteers on 20 wikis, across 15 languages and multiple projects, came together with members of the Foundation to create a product direction for a set of discussion tools. The Phase 2 Report of the Talk Page Consultation was published in August. It summarizes the product direction the team has started to work on, which you can read more about here: Talk Page Project project page.
The team needs and wants your help at this early stage. They are starting to develop the first idea. Please add your name to the "Getting involved" section of the project page, if you would like to hear about opportunities to participate.
Mobile visual editor
[уреди]The Editing team is trying to make it simpler to edit on mobile devices. The team is changing the visual editor on mobile. If you have something to say about editing on a mobile device, please leave a message at Talk:VisualEditor on mobile.

- On 3 September, the Editing team released version 3 of Edit Cards. Anyone could use the new version in the mobile visual editor.
- There is an updated design on the Edit Card for adding and modifying links. There is also a new, combined workflow for editing a link's display text and target.
- Feedback: You can try the new Edit Cards by opening the mobile visual editor on a smartphone. Please post your feedback on the Edit cards talk page.

- In September, the Editing team updated the mobile visual editor's editing toolbar. Anyone could see these changes in the mobile visual editor.
- One toolbar: All of the editing tools are located in one toolbar. Previously, the toolbar changed when you clicked on different things.
- New navigation: The buttons for moving forward and backward in the edit flow have changed.
- Seamless switching: an improved workflow for switching between the visual and wikitext modes.
- Feedback: You can try the refreshed toolbar by opening the mobile VisualEditor on a smartphone. Please post your feedback on the Toolbar feedback talk page.
[уреди]The Editing Team attended Wikimania 2019 in Sweden. They led a session on the mobile visual editor and a session on the new talk pages project. They tested two new features in the mobile visual editor with contributors. You can read more about what the team did and learned in the team's report on Wikimania 2019.
Looking ahead
[уреди]- Talk Pages Project: The team is thinking about the first set of proposed changes. The team will be working with a few communities to pilot those changes. The best way to stay informed is by adding your username to the list on the project page: Getting involved.
- Testing the mobile visual editor as the default: The Editing team plans to post results before the end of the calendar year. The best way to stay informed is by adding the project page to your watchlist: VisualEditor as mobile default project page.
- Measuring the impact of Edit Cards: This study asks whether the project helped editors add links and citations. The Editing team hopes to share results in November. The best way to stay informed is by adding the project page to your watchlist: Edit Cards project page.
– PPelberg (WMF) (talk) & Whatamidoing (WMF) (talk)
12:13, 29. октобар 2019. (CET)
Community Wishlist 2020
The 2020 Community Wishlist Survey is now open! This survey is the process where communities decide what the Community Tech team should work on over the next year. We encourage everyone to submit proposals until the deadline on November 11, 2019, or comment on other proposals to help make them better.
This year, we’re exclusively focusing on smaller projects (i.e., Wikibooks, Wiktionary, Wikiquote, Wikisource, Wikiversity, Wikispecies, Wikivoyage, and Wikinews). We want to help these projects and provide meaningful improvements to diverse communities. If you’re a member of any of these projects, please participate in the survey! To submit proposals, see the guidelines on the survey page. You can write proposals in any language, and we will translate them for you. Thank you, and we look forward to seeing your proposals!
IFried (WMF) 20:30, 4. новембар 2019. (CET)
ВАЖНО: Преглед активности администратора
[уреди]Здраво. Правило везано за уклањање "напредних права" (попут администратора, бирократа, итд.) је усвојено глобалним консензусом заједнице 2013-те године. Према овом правилу, стјуарди проверавају администраторску активност на свим викијима Викимедијине Фондације без правила везаних за неактивност. Према нашем најбољем сазнању, ваш вики нема формалан процес за уклањање "напредних права" неактивним налозима. Ово значи да ће се стјуарди за ово побринути према прегледу администраторске активности.
Утврдили смо да следећи корисници испуњавају критеријуме неактивности (без измена и без забележених акција више од две године):
- Djordjes (администратор)
Наведени корисници ће ускоро примити обавештење, тражећи од њих да започну дискусију заједнице уколико желе да задрже нека или сва своја права. Уколико корисници не одговоре, онда ће њихова напредна права бити уклоњена од стране стјуарда.
Међутим, ако бисте као заједница желели да креирате властити процес прегледа активности који замењује глобални, желите да донесете још једну одлуку о неактивним носиоцима права, или већ имате политику коју смо пропустили, молимо Вас да нас у том случају обавестите на стјуарде на Мета-викију тако да знамо да не треба наставити са разматрањем права на вашем викију. Хвала, --علاء (разговор) 12:35, 8. јануар 2020. (CET)
- Заједница на овом пројекту није толико активна ни бројна тако да не очекујем неки одзив у погледу дискусије заједнице. --Djordjes (разговор) 16:57, 8. јануар 2020. (CET)
Wiki Loves Folklore
Hello Folks,
Wiki Loves Love is back again in 2020 iteration as Wiki Loves Folklore from 1 February, 2020 - 29 February, 2020. Join us to celebrate the local cultural heritage of your region with the theme of folklore in the international photography contest at Wikimedia Commons. Images, videos and audios representing different forms of folk cultures and new forms of heritage that haven’t otherwise been documented so far are welcome submissions in Wiki Loves Folklore. Learn more about the contest at Meta-Wiki and Commons.
Kind regards,
Wiki Loves Folklore International Team
— Tulsi Bhagat (contribs | talk)
sent using MediaWiki message delivery (разговор) 07:15, 18. јануар 2020. (CET)
Movement Learning and Leadership Development Project
The Wikimedia Foundation’s Community Development team is seeking to learn more about the way volunteers learn and develop into the many different roles that exist in the movement. Our goal is to build a movement informed framework that provides shared clarity and outlines accessible pathways on how to grow and develop skills within the movement. To this end, we are looking to speak with you, our community to learn about your journey as a Wikimedia volunteer. Whether you joined yesterday or have been here from the very start, we want to hear about the many ways volunteers join and contribute to our movement.
To learn more about the project, please visit the Meta page. If you are interested in participating in the project, please complete this simple Google form. Although we may not be able to speak to everyone who expresses interest, we encourage you to complete this short form if you are interested in participating!
-- LMiranda (WMF) (talk) 20:00, 22. јануар 2020. (CET)
Additional interface for edit conflicts on talk pages
[уреди]Sorry, for writing this text in English. If you could help to translate it, it would be appreciated.
You might know the new interface for edit conflicts (currently a beta feature). Now, Wikimedia Germany is designing an additional interface to solve edit conflicts on talk pages. This interface is shown to you when you write on a discussion page and another person writes a discussion post in the same line and saves it before you do. With this additional editing conflict interface you can adjust the order of the comments and edit your comment. We are inviting everyone to have a look at the planned feature. Let us know what you think on our central feedback page! -- For the Technical Wishes Team: Max Klemm (WMDE) 15:15, 26. фебруар 2020. (CET)
Editing news 2020 #1 – Discussion tools
[уреди]Read this in another language • Subscription list for this multilingual newsletter

The Editing team has been working on the talk pages project. The goal of the talk pages project is to help contributors communicate on wiki more easily. This project is the result of the Talk pages consultation 2019.

The team is building a new tool for replying to comments now. This early version can sign and indent comments automatically. Please test the new Reply tool.
- On 31 March 2020, the new одговори tool was offered as a Beta Feature editors at four Wikipedias: Arabic, Dutch, French, and Hungarian. If your community also wants early access to the new tool, contact User:Whatamidoing (WMF).
- The team is planning some upcoming changes. Please review the proposed design and share your thoughts on the talk page. The team will test features such as:
- an easy way to mention another editor ("pinging"),
- a rich-text visual editing option, and
- other features identified through user testing or recommended by editors.
To hear more about Editing Team updates, please add your name to the "Get involved" section of the project page. You can also watch these pages: the main project page, Updates, Replying, and User testing.
– PPelberg (WMF) (talk) & Whatamidoing (WMF) (talk)
21:28, 8. април 2020. (CEST)
Editing news 2020 #2
Ово издање билтена Уређивање извештава о Пројекту страница за разговор. Циљ пројекта је да олакша уредницима вики комуникацију.
- Алатка за одговарање: Доступне су као бета функција на четири викија (википедије на арапском, мађарском, француском и холандском језику). Зову се „Алатке за разговор”. Ускоро стижу нове функције: визуелни режим писања коментара и лако позивање корисника ознаком
. Испробајте ове нове функције на Beta Cluster-у. У наредним месецима планира се ширење алатке на нове пројекте. - Нови захтеви за потпис корисника: Ускоро корисници неће моћи да сачувају неисправне потписе у подешавањима. То ће смањити обмане потписима, спречити оштећење странице и учинити нове алатке за разговор поузданијим. Неће утицати на већину уредника.
- Новe алатке за расправу: Тим за уређивање почео је да ради на поједностављању процеса започињања нових расправа. Прикажи првобитни дизајн на страници пројекта.
- Истраживање о употреби страница за разговор: Тим за уређивање у сарадњи с Викимедијиним тимом за истраживања проучавао је како странице за разговор помажу уредницима у побољшавању чланака. Шта смо сазнали? Нови уредници који користе странице за разговор више уређују и у главном именском простору од оних који не користе странице за разговор.
22:36, 17. јун 2020. (CEST)
Feedback on movement names
[уреди]Здраво. Apologies if you are not reading this message in your native language. Помозите у превођењу на свој језик if necessary. Хвала вам!
There are a lot of conversations happening about the future of our movement names. We hope that you are part of these discussions and that your community is represented.
Since 16 June, the Foundation Brand Team has been running a survey in 7 languages about 3 naming options. There are also community members sharing concerns about renaming in a Community Open Letter.
Our goal in this call for feedback is to hear from across the community, so we encourage you to participate in the survey, the open letter, or both. The survey will go through 7 July in all timezones. Input from the survey and discussions will be analyzed and published on Meta-Wiki.
Thanks for thinking about the future of the movement, --The Brand Project team, 21:52, 2. јул 2020. (CEST)
Note: The survey is conducted via a third-party service, which may subject it to additional terms. For more information on privacy and data-handling, see the survey privacy statement.
Editing news 2020 #3
[уреди]Read this in another language • Subscription list for this multilingual newsletter

Seven years ago this month, the Editing team offered the visual editor to most Wikipedia editors. Since then, editors have achieved many milestones:
- More than 50 million edits have been made using the visual editor on desktop.
- More than 2 million new articles have been created in the visual editor. More than 600,000 of these new articles were created during 2019.
- The visual editor is increasingly popular. The proportion of all edits made using the visual editor has increased every year since its introduction.
- In 2019, 35% of the edits by newcomers (logged-in editors with ≤99 edits) used the visual editor. This percentage has increased every year.
- Almost 5 million edits on the mobile site have been made with the visual editor. Most of these edits have been made since the Editing team started improving the mobile visual editor in 2018.
- On 17 November 2019, the first edit from outer space was made in the mobile visual editor. 🚀 👩🚀
- Editors have made more than 7 million edits in the 2017 wikitext editor, including starting 600,000 new articles in it. The 2017 wikitext editor is VisualEditor's built-in wikitext mode. You can enable it in your preferences.
14:56, 9. јул 2020. (CEST)
Announcing a new wiki project! Welcome, Abstract Wikipedia
[уреди]Представљамо вам нови вики пројекат, Апстрактну Википедију!
[уреди]Здраво свима!
Част ми је да представим Апстрактну Википедију, нови пројекат који је једногласно одобрио Поверенички одбор Задужбине Викимедије. Апстрактна Википедија нуди нови начин вишејезичног стварања енциклопедијског садржаја; омогућава да више уредника и више читалаца размењују више знања на више језика. Циљ је да се олакша вишејезична сарадња на нашим пројектима, побољша доживљај читаоцима на свим језицима, уведу новине у бесплатном знању и повећа одрживост нашег покрета проширивањем приступа учешћу.
После више од седам година, започињемо нови пројекат! Предложио га је Дени Врандечић у мају 2020. године после вишегодишњих припрема и истраживања.[1] Следи детаљно разрађивање плана и започињање разговора у вики заједницама. Знамо да енергија и креативност заједнице често наилазе на језичке препреке, а неке информације некада нису доступне на свим језицима из извесних разлога. Апстрактна Википедије ће наликовати на Википедију, али ће бити изграђена на снажним и језички независним концептуалним моделима Википодатака. Циљ је да волонтери створе и одржавају чланке у нашем полиглотском вики свету.
Пројекат ће омогућити добровољцима да саставе основе чланка користећи речи и ентитете са Википодатака. Будући да Википодаци користе концептуалне моделе који су универзални на свим језицима, требало би бити могуће користити и проширити ове „блокове знања” ради стварања модела за чланке који такође имају универзалну вредност. Волонтери ће помоћу кода моћи да преводе ове „апстрактне чланке” на своје језике. Ако пројекат успе, сви ће моћи да читају о било којој теми на свом матерњем језику.
Овај пројекат ће захтевати много програмерског напора и сарадње између Викимедијанаца. Како би се пројекат спровео, Дени ће се у јулу придружити Задужбини као члан особља и водиће ову иницијативу. Дени је творац Википодатака, дугогодишњи члана заједнице, бивши члана особља Викимедије Немачке и бивши повереник у Задужбини. [2] Изузетно смо узбуђени што ће Дени (с тимовима Задужбине везаним за производе, технологију и заједницу) уложити своје вештине и стручност за рад на овом пројекту.
Ово је експериментални пројекат. Свака заједница Википедије има различите потребе. Пројекат може неким заједницама понудити велике предности. Неке друге заједнице ће се вероватно мање ангажовати. Свака језичка заједница Википедије има право да бира и модерише да ли ће и на који начин користити садржај с овог пројекта.
Узбуђени смо што овај нови вики пројекат има могућност унапређења једнакости знања повећањем приступа истом. Такође нас позива да размотримо критична питања о томе како се гради знање и ко учествује у томе. Радујемо се што ћемо сарађивати са заједницама у циљу размишљања о овим важним питањима.
Пуно је посла када почнемо израду плана Апстрактне Википедије у блиској сарадњи с нашим заједницама. Позивам вас да се прикључите тако што ћете отићи на страницу пројекта и придружити се новој дописној листи.[3] Разумемо да је концепт Апстрактне Википедије амбициозан, али такође препознајемо његов потенцијал. Позивамо вас све да нам се придружите на новом, неистраженом путу!
С поштовањем,
Кетрин Мар (извршна директорка Задужбине Викимедија)
Sent by m:User:Elitre (WMF) 21:56, 9. јул 2020. (CEST) - m:Special:MyLanguage/Abstract Wikipedia/July 2020 announcement
Technical Wishes: FileExporter and FileImporter become default features on all Wikis
[уреди]Извозник и увозник датотека постаће доступни на свим пројектима 7. августа 2020. године. Ове алатке омогућавају лако премештање датотека са локалног пројекта на Оставу. Опис, извор, датум, аутор и историја измена неке датотеке остаће нетакнути. Премештање се забележава у историји измена. Како алатке функционишу?
1. корак: Потребно је да будете аутоматски потврђени корисник. Кликните на дугме које се налази на врху странице.
2. корак: Сада Увозник проверава да ли датотека сме да се премести на Викимедијину оставу. Провера се спроводи на основу конфигурационе датотеке коју уређује свака локална вики заједница.
3. корак: Ако датотека испуњава услове, бићете преусмерени на страницу за увоз. На њој можете да ажурирате или додате информације у вези с датотеком, као што је опис. Кликом на одговарајући квадратић у обрасцу за увоз, можете да додате шаблон „На Остави” на страницу датотеке на локалном пројекту. С друге стране, администратори могу одмах да избришу датотеку с локалног пројекта тако што означе квадратић. На крају, кликните на дугме и датотека ће се увести на Оставу.
Если Вы хотите узнать больше о расширении FileImporter или о проекте "Технические пожелания (Technical Wishes)", пожалуйста, перейдите по указанным ссылкам. -- Для команды "Технические пожелания":Max Klemm (WMDE) 11:14, 6. август 2020. (CEST)
Important: maintenance operation on September 1st
[уреди]Read this message in another language • Помозите у превођењу на свој језик
The Wikimedia Foundation will be testing its secondary data centre. This will make sure that Wikipedia and the other Wikimedia wikis can stay online even after a disaster. To make sure everything is working, the Wikimedia Technology department needs to do a planned test. This test will show if they can reliably switch from one data centre to the other. It requires many teams to prepare for the test and to be available to fix any unexpected problems.
They will switch all traffic to the secondary data centre on Tuesday, September 1st 2020.
Unfortunately, because of some limitations in MediaWiki, all editing must stop while the switch is made. We apologize for this disruption, and we are working to minimize it in the future.
You will be able to read, but not edit, all wikis for a short period of time.
- You will not be able to edit for up to an hour on Tuesday, September 1st. The test will start at 14:00 UTC (15:00 BST, 16:00 CEST, 10:00 EDT, 19:30 IST, 07:00 PDT, 23:00 JST, and in New Zealand at 02:00 NZST on Wednesday September 2).
- If you try to edit or save during these times, you will see an error message. We hope that no edits will be lost during these minutes, but we can't guarantee it. If you see the error message, then please wait until everything is back to normal. Then you should be able to save your edit. But, we recommend that you make a copy of your changes first, just in case.
Other effects:
- Background jobs will be slower and some may be dropped. Red links might not be updated as quickly as normal. If you create an article that is already linked somewhere else, the link will stay red longer than usual. Some long-running scripts will have to be stopped.
- There will be code freezes for the week of September 1st, 2020. Non-essential code deployments will not happen.
This project may be postponed if necessary. You can read the schedule at wikitech.wikimedia.org. Any changes will be announced in the schedule. There will be more notifications about this. Please share this information with your community.
Trizek (WMF) (talk) 15:48, 26. август 2020. (CEST)
Invitation to participate in the conversation
[уреди]Здраво. Apologies for cross-posting, and that you may not be reading this message in your native language: translations of the following announcement may be available on Meta. Помозите у превођењу на свој језик. Хвала вам!
We are excited to share a draft of the Universal Code of Conduct, which the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees called for earlier this year, for your review and feedback. The discussion will be open until October 6, 2020.
The UCoC Drafting Committee wants to learn which parts of the draft would present challenges for you or your work. What is missing from this draft? What do you like, and what could be improved?
Please join the conversation and share this invitation with others who may be interested to join, too.
To reduce language barriers during the process, you are welcomed to translate this message and the Universal Code of Conduct/Draft review. You and your community may choose to provide your opinions/feedback using your local languages.
To learn more about the UCoC project, see the Universal Code of Conduct page, and the FAQ, on Meta.
Thanks in advance for your attention and contributions, The Trust and Safety team at Wikimedia Foundation, 19:55, 10. септембар 2020. (CEST)Wiki of functions naming contest
[уреди]Помозите у превођењу на свој језик
Здраво. Please help pick a name for the new Wikimedia wiki project. This project will be a wiki where the community can work together on a library of functions. The community can create new functions, read about them, discuss them, and share them. Some of these functions will be used to help create language-independent Wikipedia articles that can be displayed in any language, as part of the Abstract Wikipedia project. But functions will also be usable in many other situations.
There will be two rounds of voting, each followed by legal review of candidates, with voting beginning on 29 September and 27 October. Our goal is to have a final project name selected on 8 December. If you would like to participate, then please learn more and vote now at meta-wiki. Хвала вам! --Quiddity (WMF)23:26, 29. септембар 2020. (CEST)
Wiki of functions naming contest
[уреди]Помозите у превођењу на свој језик
Здраво. Please help pick a name for the new Wikimedia wiki project. This project will be a wiki where the community can work together on a library of functions. The community can create new functions, read about them, discuss them, and share them. Some of these functions will be used to help create language-independent Wikipedia articles that can be displayed in any language, as part of the Abstract Wikipedia project. But functions will also be usable in many other situations.
There will be two rounds of voting, each followed by legal review of candidates, with voting beginning on 29 September and 27 October. Our goal is to have a final project name selected on 8 December. If you would like to participate, then please learn more and vote now at meta-wiki. Хвала вам! --Quiddity (WMF)00:49, 30. септембар 2020. (CEST)
Call for feedback about Wikimedia Foundation Bylaws changes and Board candidate rubric
[уреди]Здраво. Apologies if you are not reading this message in your native language. Помозите у превођењу на свој језик.
Today the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees starts two calls for feedback. One is about changes to the Bylaws mainly to increase the Board size from 10 to 16 members. The other one is about a trustee candidate rubric to introduce new, more effective ways to evaluate new Board candidates. The Board welcomes your comments through 26 October. For more details, check the full announcement.
Хвала вам! Qgil-WMF (talk) 19:09, 7. октобар 2020. (CEST)
Important: maintenance operation on October 27
[уреди]Read this message in another language • Помозите у превођењу на свој језик
The Wikimedia Foundation tests the switch between its first and secondary data centers. This will make sure that Wikipedia and the other Wikimedia wikis can stay online even after a disaster. To make sure everything is working, the Wikimedia Technology department needs to do a planned test. This test will show if they can reliably switch from one data centre to the other. It requires many teams to prepare for the test and to be available to fix any unexpected problems.
They will switch all traffic back to the primary data center on Tuesday, October 27 2020.
Unfortunately, because of some limitations in MediaWiki, all editing must stop while the switch is made. We apologize for this disruption, and we are working to minimize it in the future.
You will be able to read, but not edit, all wikis for a short period of time.
- You will not be able to edit for up to an hour on Tuesday, October 27. The test will start at 14:00 UTC (14:00 WET, 15:00 CET, 10:00 EDT, 19:30 IST, 07:00 PDT, 23:00 JST, and in New Zealand at 03:00 NZDT on Wednesday October 28).
- If you try to edit or save during these times, you will see an error message. We hope that no edits will be lost during these minutes, but we can't guarantee it. If you see the error message, then please wait until everything is back to normal. Then you should be able to save your edit. But, we recommend that you make a copy of your changes first, just in case.
Other effects:
- Background jobs will be slower and some may be dropped. Red links might not be updated as quickly as normal. If you create an article that is already linked somewhere else, the link will stay red longer than usual. Some long-running scripts will have to be stopped.
- There will be code freezes for the week of October 26, 2020. Non-essential code deployments will not happen.
-- Trizek (WMF) (talk) 19:10, 21. октобар 2020. (CEST)
Wiki of functions naming contest - Round 2
[уреди]Здраво. Reminder: Please help to choose the name for the new Wikimedia wiki project - the library of functions. The finalist vote starts today. The finalists for the name are: Wikicode, Wikicodex, Wikifunctions, Wikifusion, Wikilambda, Wikimedia Functions. If you would like to participate, then please learn more and vote now at Meta-wiki. Хвала вам! --Quiddity (WMF)
23:10, 5. новембар 2020. (CET)
Update to ICU Unicode library
[уреди]Starting on November 16, we will migrate the servers running the MediaWiki application servers to a new release of the ICU Unicode library (w:International Components for Unicode) (from version 57 to 63).
This unblocks some future work on upgrading the servers to a new Operating System release and will also allow the use of improved internationalisation in the future (as wikis will then be able to use features introduced by the new ICU release such as new collation definitions, and allows us to use a more recent version of Unicode in MediaWiki).
This migration will cause some unavoidable temporary user-visible impact: The sorting of some category pages will be distorted – all pages which have been updated with the new software version will use the new sorting while untouched pages still use the old sorting. As such, we need to run a maintenance script to update the sorting for old entries.
The distortions may last from a few hours (on medium-sized wikis), up to a day (on the largest wikis), and a few days on English Wikipedia. The start-time will depend upon when the migration script reaches each wiki.
This affects 149 wikis (including eight out of the ten biggest Wikipedias). The detailed list and the task for the technical implementation is at T264991.
Thank you.
Trizek (WMF) 15:53, 16. новембар 2020. (CET)

Анкета жеља заједнице 2021. је сада отворена! Ова анкета је процес у којем заједнице одлучују на чему би тим Community Tech-а требало да ради током следеће године. Подстичемо све да дају своје предлоге до крајњег рока 30. новембра или да коментаришу друге предлоге који ће помоћи да постану бољи. Заједнице ће гласати о предлозима између 8. и 21. децембра.
Тим Community Tech-а фокусиран је на алате за искусне уреднике Викимедије. Предлоге можете писати на било ком језику а ми ћемо их превести уместо вас. Хвала вам и радујемо се унапред вашим предлозима!
19:09, 20. новембар 2020. (CET)
Wikidata descriptions changes to be included more often in Recent Changes and Watchlist
[уреди]Sorry for sending this message in English. Translations are available on this page. Feel free to translate it in more languages!
As you may know, you can include changes coming from Wikidata in your Watchlist and Recent Changes (in your preferences). Until now, this feature didn’t always include changes made on Wikidata descriptions due to the way Wikidata tracks the data used in a given article.
Starting on December 3rd, the Watchlist and Recent Changes will include changes on the descriptions of Wikidata Items that are used in the pages that you watch. This will only include descriptions in the language of your wiki to make sure that you’re only seeing changes that are relevant to your wiki.
This improvement was requested by many users from different projects. We hope that it can help you monitor the changes on Wikidata descriptions that affect your wiki and participate in the effort of improving the data quality on Wikidata for all Wikimedia wikis and beyond.
Note: if you didn’t use the Wikidata watchlist integration feature for a long time, feel free to give it another chance! The feature has been improved since the beginning and the content it displays is more precise and useful than at the beginning of the feature in 2015.
If you encounter any issue or want to provide feedback, feel free to use this Phabricator ticket. Thanks!
2020 Coolest Tool Award Ceremony on December 11th
[уреди]Hello all,
The ceremony of the 2020 Wikimedia Coolest Tool Award will take place virtually on Friday, December 11th, at 17:00 GMT. This award is highlighting tools that have been nominated by contributors to the Wikimedia projects, and the ceremony will be a nice moment to show appreciation to the tools developers and maybe discover new tools!
You will find more information here about the livestream and the discussions channels. Thanks for your attention, Lea Lacroix (WMDE) 11:55, 7. децембар 2020. (CET)
Community Wishlist Survey 2021
Позивамо све регистроване кориснике да гласају у Анкети жеља заједнице 2021. године. Гласајте за колико год жеља желите; не постоји ограничење у виду броја предлога које смете да подржите. Гласање се завршава 21 децембра.
Анкетом се прикупљају жеље за новим и побољшаним вики алаткама за искусне уреднике. Након гласања потрудићемо се да удовољимо вашим жељама. Почећемо од најпопуларније.
Ми, чланови Community Tech-а, један смо од тимова Задужбине Викимедија. Правимо и побољшавамо алатке за уређивање и вики одржавање. На чему ћемо радити одлучује се на основу резултата Анкете листе жеља заједнице. Жеље можете да предлажете једном годишње. После две недеље можете гласати за оне који вас највише занимају. Из анкете бирамо жеље на којима ћемо радити. Неке жеље могу испунити програмери добровољци или други тимови.
С нестрпљењем очекујемо ваше гласове. Хвала вам!
01:52, 15. децембар 2020. (CET)
Moving Wikimania 2021 to a Virtual Event
Здраво. Apologies if you are not reading this message in your native language. Помозите у превођењу на свој језик. Хвала вам!
Wikimania will be a virtual event this year, and hosted by a wide group of community members. Whenever the next in-person large gathering is possible again, the ESEAP Core Organizing Team will be in charge of it. Stay tuned for more information about how you can get involved in the planning process and other aspects of the event. Please read the longer version of this announcement on wikimedia-l.
ESEAP Core Organizing Team, Wikimania Steering Committee, Wikimedia Foundation Events Team, 16:15, 27. јануар 2021. (CET)
Project Grant Open Call
[уреди]This is the announcement for the Project Grants program open call that started on January 11, with the submission deadline of February 10, 2021.
This first open call will be focussed on Community Organizing proposals. A second open call focused on research and software proposals is scheduled from February 15 with a submission deadline of March 16, 2021.
For the Round 1 open call, we invite you to propose grant applications that fall under community development and organizing (offline and online) categories. Project Grant funds are available to support individuals, groups, and organizations to implement new experiments and proven ideas, from organizing a better process on your wiki, coordinating a campaign or editathon series to providing other support for community building. We offer the following resources to help you plan your project and complete a grant proposal:
- Weekly proposals clinics via Zoom during the Open Call. Join us for #Upcoming_Proposal_Clinics|real-time discussions with Program Officers and select thematic experts and get live feedback about your Project Grants proposal. We’ll answer questions and help you make your proposal better. We also offer these support pages to help you build your proposal:
- Video tutorials for writing a strong application
- General planning page for Project Grants
- Program guidelines and criteria
Program officers are also available to offer individualized proposal support upon request. Contact us if you would like feedback or more information.
We are excited to see your grant ideas that will support our community and make an impact on the future of Wikimedia projects. Put your idea into motion, and submit your proposal by February 10, 2021!
Please feel free to get in touch with questions about getting started with your grant application, or about serving on the Project Grants Committee. Contact us at projectgrantsШаблон:Atwikimedia.org. Please help us translate this message to your local language. MediaWiki message delivery (разговор) 09:00, 28. јануар 2021. (CET)
Wiki Loves Folklore 2021 is back!
[уреди]Помозите у превођењу на свој језик

You are humbly invited to participate in the Wiki Loves Folklore 2021 an international photography contest organized on Wikimedia Commons to document folklore and intangible cultural heritage from different regions, including, folk creative activities and many more. It is held every year from the 1st till the 28th of February.
You can help in enriching the folklore documentation on Commons from your region by taking photos, audios, videos, and submitting them in this commons contest.
Please support us in translating the project page and a banner message to help us spread the word in your native language.
Kind regards,
Wiki loves Folklore International Team
MediaWiki message delivery (разговор) 14:25, 6. фебруар 2021. (CET)
Proposal: Set two-letter project shortcuts as alias to project namespace globally
[уреди]Помозите у превођењу на свој језик
Hello everyone,
I apologize for posting in English. I would like to inform everyone that I created a new global request for comment (GRFC) at Meta Wiki, which may affect your project: m:Requests for comment/Set short project namespace aliases by default globally.
In this GRFC, I propose that two-project shortcuts for project names will become a default alias for the project namespace. For instance, on all Wikipedias, WP will be an alias to the Wikipedia: namespace (and similar for other projects). Full list is available in the GRFC.
This is already the case for Wikivoyages, and many individual projects asked for this alias to be implemented. I believe this makes it easier to access the materials in the project namespace, as well as creating shortcuts like WP:NPOV, as well as helps new projects to use this feature, without having to figure out how to request site configuration changes first.
As far as I can see, Викикњиге currently does not have such an alias set. This means that such an alias will be set for you, if the GRFC is accepted by the global community.
I would like to ask all community members to participate in the request for comment at Meta-Wiki, see m:Requests for comment/Set short project namespace aliases by default globally.
Please feel free to ask me if you have any questions about this proposal.
Best regards,
--Martin Urbanec (talk) 15:12, 18. фебруар 2021. (CET)
Wikifunctions logo contest
[уреди]02:45, 2. март 2021. (CET)
Universal Code of Conduct – 2021 consultations
[уреди]Universal Code of Conduct Phase 2
[уреди]Помозите у превођењу на свој језик
The Universal Code of Conduct (UCoC) provides a universal baseline of acceptable behavior for the entire Wikimedia movement and all its projects. The project is currently in Phase 2, outlining clear enforcement pathways. You can read more about the whole project on its project page.
Drafting Committee: Call for applications
[уреди]The Wikimedia Foundation is recruiting volunteers to join a committee to draft how to make the code enforceable. Volunteers on the committee will commit between 2 and 6 hours per week from late April through July and again in October and November. It is important that the committee be diverse and inclusive, and have a range of experiences, including both experienced users and newcomers, and those who have received or responded to, as well as those who have been falsely accused of harassment.
To apply and learn more about the process, see Universal Code of Conduct/Drafting committee.
2021 community consultations: Notice and call for volunteers / translators
[уреди]From 5 April – 5 May 2021 there will be conversations on many Wikimedia projects about how to enforce the UCoC. We are looking for volunteers to translate key material, as well as to help host consultations on their own languages or projects using suggested key questions. If you are interested in volunteering for either of these roles, please contact us in whatever language you are most comfortable.
To learn more about this work and other conversations taking place, see Universal Code of Conduct/2021 consultations.
Line numbering coming soon to all wikis
Од 15. априла, можете омогућити нумерисање линија у неким уређивачима викитекста - за сада у именском простору схеме, и ускоро у више других именских простора. То ће олакшати препознавање крајева линија и упућивање на одређену линију у дискусији. Бројеви ће увек бити приказани ако омогућите наглашавање синтаксе (CodeMirror екстензије), што је могуће у уређивачима викитекста 2010 и 2017.
Више информација можете наћи на страници овог пројекта. Сви су позвани да тестирају нову могућност и пошаљу повратну информацију на ову страницу за разговор.
-- Johanna Strodt (WMDE) 17:09, 12. април 2021. (CEST)
Suggested Values
[уреди]From April 29, it will be possible to suggest values for parameters in templates. Suggested values can be added to TemplateData and will then be shown as a drop-down list in VisualEditor. This allows template users to quickly select an appropriate value. This way, it prevents potential errors and reduces the effort needed to fill the template with values. It will still be possible to fill in values other than the suggested ones.
More information, including the supported parameter types and how to create suggested values: [1] [2]. Everyone is invited to test the feature, and to give feedback on this talk page.
Timur Vorkul (WMDE) 16:08, 22. април 2021. (CEST)
Universal Code of Conduct News – Issue 1
[уреди]Universal Code of Conduct News
Issue 1, June 2021Read the full newsletter
Welcome to the first issue of Universal Code of Conduct News! This newsletter will help Wikimedians stay involved with the development of the new code, and will distribute relevant news, research, and upcoming events related to the UCoC.
Please note, this is the first issue of UCoC Newsletter which is delivered to all subscribers and projects as an announcement of the initiative. If you want the future issues delivered to your talk page, village pumps, or any specific pages you find appropriate, you need to subscribe here.
You can help us by translating the newsletter issues in your languages to spread the news and create awareness of the new conduct to keep our beloved community safe for all of us. Please add your name here if you want to be informed of the draft issue to translate beforehand. Your participation is valued and appreciated.
- Affiliate consultations – Wikimedia affiliates of all sizes and types were invited to participate in the UCoC affiliate consultation throughout March and April 2021. (continue reading)
- 2021 key consultations – The Wikimedia Foundation held enforcement key questions consultations in April and May 2021 to request input about UCoC enforcement from the broader Wikimedia community. (continue reading)
- Roundtable discussions – The UCoC facilitation team hosted two 90-minute-long public roundtable discussions in May 2021 to discuss UCoC key enforcement questions. More conversations are scheduled. (continue reading)
- Phase 2 drafting committee – The drafting committee for the phase 2 of the UCoC started their work on 12 May 2021. Read more about their work. (continue reading)
- Diff blogs – The UCoC facilitators wrote several blog posts based on interesting findings and insights from each community during local project consultation that took place in the 1st quarter of 2021. (continue reading)
--MediaWiki message delivery (разговор) 01:05, 12. јун 2021. (CEST)
Wikimania 2021: Individual Program Submissions
Dear all,
Wikimania 2021 will be hosted virtually for the first time in the event's 15-year history. Since there is no in-person host, the event is being organized by a diverse group of Wikimedia volunteers that form the Core Organizing Team (COT) for Wikimania 2021.
Event Program - Individuals or a group of individuals can submit their session proposals to be a part of the program. There will be translation support for sessions provided in a number of languages. See more information here.
Below are some links to guide you through;
Please note that the deadline for submission is 18th June 2021.
Announcements- To keep up to date with the developments around Wikimania, the COT sends out weekly updates. You can view them in the Announcement section here.
Office Hour - If you are left with questions, the COT will be hosting some office hours (in multiple languages), in multiple time-zones, to answer any programming questions that you might have. Details can be found here.
Best regards,
MediaWiki message delivery (разговор) 06:18, 16. јун 2021. (CEST)
On behalf of Wikimania 2021 Core Organizing Team
Editing news 2021 #2
[уреди]Read this in another language • Subscription list for this multilingual newsletter

Earlier this year, the Editing team ran a large study of the Reply Tool. The main goal was to find out whether the Reply Tool helped newer editors communicate on wiki. The second goal was to see whether the comments that newer editors made using the tool needed to be reverted more frequently than comments newer editors made with the existing wikitext page editor.
The key results were:
- Newer editors who had automatic ("default on") access to the Reply tool were more likely to post a comment on a talk page.
- The comments that newer editors made with the Reply Tool were also less likely to be reverted than the comments that newer editors made with page editing.
These results give the Editing team confidence that the tool is helpful.
Looking ahead
The team is planning to make the Reply tool available to everyone as an opt-out preference in the coming months. This has already happened at the Arabic, Czech, and Hungarian Wikipedias.
The next step is to resolve a technical challenge. Then, they will deploy the Reply tool first to the Wikipedias that participated in the study. After that, they will deploy it, in stages, to the other Wikipedias and all WMF-hosted wikis.
You can turn on "Алатке за разговор" in Beta Features now. After you get the Reply tool, you can change your preferences at any time in Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-editing-discussion.
16:14, 24. јун 2021. (CEST)
Server switch
[уреди]Read this message in another language • Помозите у превођењу на свој језик
The Wikimedia Foundation tests the switch between its first and secondary data centers. This will make sure that Wikipedia and the other Wikimedia wikis can stay online even after a disaster. To make sure everything is working, the Wikimedia Technology department needs to do a planned test. This test will show if they can reliably switch from one data centre to the other. It requires many teams to prepare for the test and to be available to fix any unexpected problems.
Unfortunately, because of some limitations in MediaWiki, all editing must stop while the switch is made. We apologize for this disruption, and we are working to minimize it in the future.
You will be able to read, but not edit, all wikis for a short period of time.
- You will not be able to edit for up to an hour on Tuesday, 29 June 2021. The test will start at 14:00 UTC (07:00 PDT, 10:00 EDT, 15:00 WEST/BST, 16:00 CEST, 19:30 IST, 23:00 JST, and in New Zealand at 02:00 NZST on Wednesday 30 June).
- If you try to edit or save during these times, you will see an error message. We hope that no edits will be lost during these minutes, but we can't guarantee it. If you see the error message, then please wait until everything is back to normal. Then you should be able to save your edit. But, we recommend that you make a copy of your changes first, just in case.
Other effects:
- Background jobs will be slower and some may be dropped. Red links might not be updated as quickly as normal. If you create an article that is already linked somewhere else, the link will stay red longer than usual. Some long-running scripts will have to be stopped.
- There will be code freezes for the week of June 28. Non-essential code deployments will not happen.
SGrabarczuk (WMF) 03:19, 27. јун 2021. (CEST)
Call for Candidates for the Movement Charter Drafting Committee
[уреди]Movement Strategy announces the Call for Candidates for the Movement Charter Drafting Committee. The Call opens August 2, 2021 and closes September 1, 2021.
The Committee is expected to represent diversity in the Movement. Diversity includes gender, language, geography, and experience. This comprises participation in projects, affiliates, and the Wikimedia Foundation.
English fluency is not required to become a member. If needed, translation and interpretation support is provided. Members will receive an allowance to offset participation costs. It is US$100 every two months.
We are looking for people who have some of the following skills:
- Know how to write collaboratively. (demonstrated experience is a plus)
- Are ready to find compromises.
- Focus on inclusion and diversity.
- Have knowledge of community consultations.
- Have intercultural communication experience.
- Have governance or organization experience in non-profits or communities.
- Have experience negotiating with different parties.
The Committee is expected to start with 15 people. If there are 20 or more candidates, a mixed election and selection process will happen. If there are 19 or fewer candidates, then the process of selection without election takes place.
Will you help move Wikimedia forward in this important role? Submit your candidacy here. Please contact strategy2030wikimedia.org with questions.
Xeno (WMF) (разговор) 02:12, 3. август 2021. (CEST)
Universal Code of Conduct - Enforcement draft guidelines review
[уреди]The Universal Code of Conduct Phase 2 drafting committee would like comments about the enforcement draft guidelines for the Universal Code of Conduct (UCoC). This review period is planned for 17 August 2021 through 17 October 2021.
These guidelines are not final but you can help move the progress forward. The committee will revise the guidelines based upon community input.
Comments can be shared in any language on the draft review talk page and multiple other venues. Community members are encouraged to organize conversations in their communities.
There are planned live discussions about the UCoC enforcement draft guidelines:
- Wikimania 2021 session (recorded 16 August)
- Conversation hours - 24 August, 31 August, 7 September @ 03:00 UTC & 14:00 UTC
- Roundtable calls - 18 September @ 03:00 UTC & 15:00 UTC
Summaries of discussions will be posted every two weeks here.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Xeno (WMF) 00:09, 18. август 2021. (CEST)
Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees election has come to an end
[уреди]Thank you for participating in the 2021 Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees election! Voting closed August 31 at 23:59. The official data, including the four most voted candidates, will be announced as soon as the Elections Committee completes their review of the ballots. The official announcement of the new trustees appointed will happen later, once the selected candidates have been confirmed by the Board.
6,946 community members from 216 wiki projects have voted. This makes 10.2% global participation, 1.1% higher than in the last Board elections. In 2017, 5167 people from 202 wiki projects cast their vote. A full analysis is planned to be published in a few days when the confirmed results are announced. In the meantime, you can check the data produced during the election.
Diversity was an important goal with these elections. Messages about the Board election were translated into 61 languages. This outreach worked well. There were 70 communities with eligible voters voting in this election for the first time. With your help, next year’s Board of Trustees election will be even better.
23:00, 1. септембар 2021. (CEST)
The 2022 Community Wishlist Survey will happen in January
[уреди]Hello everyone,
We hope all of you are as well and safe as possible during these trying times! We wanted to share some news about a change to the Community Wishlist Survey 2022. We would like to hear your opinions as well.
We will be running the Community Wishlist Survey 2022 in January 2022. We need more time to work on the 2021 wishes. We also need time to prepare some changes to the Wishlist 2022. In the meantime, you can use a dedicated sandbox to leave early ideas for the 2022 wishes.
Proposing and wish-fulfillment will happen during the same year
[уреди]In the past, the Community Tech team has run the Community Wishlist Survey for the following year in November of the prior year. For example, we ran the Wishlist for 2021 in November 2020. That worked well a few years ago. At that time, we used to start working on the Wishlist soon after the results of the voting were published.
However, in 2021, there was a delay between the voting and the time when we could start working on the new wishes. Until July 2021, we were working on wishes from the Wishlist for 2020.
We hope having the Wishlist 2022 in January 2022 will be more intuitive. This will also give us time to fulfill more wishes from the 2021 Wishlist.
Encouraging wider participation from historically excluded communities
[уреди]We are thinking how to make the Wishlist easier to participate in. We want to support more translations, and encourage under-resourced communities to be more active. We would like to have some time to make these changes.
A new space to talk to us about priorities and wishes not granted yet
[уреди]We will have gone 365 days without a Wishlist. We encourage you to approach us. We hope to hear from you in the talk page, but we also hope to see you at our bi-monthly Talk to Us meetings! These will be hosted at two different times friendly to time zones around the globe.
We will begin our first meeting September 15th at 23:00 UTC. More details about the agenda and format coming soon!
Brainstorm and draft proposals before the proposal phase
[уреди]If you have early ideas for wishes, you can use the new Community Wishlist Survey sandbox. This way, you will not forget about these before January 2022. You will be able to come back and refine your ideas. Remember, edits in the sandbox don't count as wishes!
[уреди]- What should we do to improve the Wishlist pages?
- How would you like to use our new sandbox?
- What, if any, risks do you foresee in our decision to change the date of the Wishlist 2022?
- What will help more people participate in the Wishlist 2022?
Answer on the talk page (in any language you prefer) or at our Talk to Us meetings.
SGrabarczuk (WMF) (talk) 02:23, 7. септембар 2021. (CEST)
Server switch
[уреди]Read this message in another language • Помозите у превођењу на свој језик
The Wikimedia Foundation tests the switch between its first and secondary data centers. This will make sure that Wikipedia and the other Wikimedia wikis can stay online even after a disaster. To make sure everything is working, the Wikimedia Technology department needs to do a planned test. This test will show if they can reliably switch from one data centre to the other. It requires many teams to prepare for the test and to be available to fix any unexpected problems.
They will switch all traffic back to the primary data center on Tuesday, 14 September 2021.
Unfortunately, because of some limitations in MediaWiki, all editing must stop while the switch is made. We apologize for this disruption, and we are working to minimize it in the future.
You will be able to read, but not edit, all wikis for a short period of time.
- You will not be able to edit for up to an hour on Tuesday, 14 September 2021. The test will start at 14:00 UTC (07:00 PDT, 10:00 EDT, 15:00 WEST/BST, 16:00 CEST, 19:30 IST, 23:00 JST, and in New Zealand at 02:00 NZST on Wednesday, 15 September).
- If you try to edit or save during these times, you will see an error message. We hope that no edits will be lost during these minutes, but we can't guarantee it. If you see the error message, then please wait until everything is back to normal. Then you should be able to save your edit. But, we recommend that you make a copy of your changes first, just in case.
Other effects:
- Background jobs will be slower and some may be dropped. Red links might not be updated as quickly as normal. If you create an article that is already linked somewhere else, the link will stay red longer than usual. Some long-running scripts will have to be stopped.
- We expect the code deployments to happen as any other week. However, some case-by-case code freezes could punctually happen if the operation require them afterwards.
SGrabarczuk (WMF) (разговор) 02:45, 11. септембар 2021. (CEST)
Talk to the Community Tech
[уреди]Read this message in another language • Помозите у превођењу на свој језик
As we have recently announced, we, the team working on the Community Wishlist Survey, would like to invite you to an online meeting with us. It will take place on September 15th, 23:00 UTC on Zoom, and will last an hour. Click here to join.
- How we prioritize the wishes to be granted
- Why we decided to change the date from November 2021 to January 2022
- Update on the disambiguation and the real-time preview wishes
- Questions and answers
The meeting will not be recorded or streamed. Notes without attribution will be taken and published on Meta-Wiki. The presentation (first three points in the agenda) will be given in English.
We can answer questions asked in English, French, Polish, and Spanish. If you would like to ask questions in advance, add them on the Community Wishlist Survey talk page or send to sgrabarczuk@wikimedia.org.
Natalia Rodriguez (the Community Tech manager) will be hosting this meeting.
Invitation link
- Join online
- Meeting ID: 898 2861 5390
- One tap mobile
- +16465588656,,89828615390# US (New York)
- +16699006833,,89828615390# US (San Jose)
- Dial by your location
See you! SGrabarczuk (WMF) (разговор) 05:03, 11. септембар 2021. (CEST)
Voting for the election for the members for the Movement Charter drafting committee is now open
[уреди]Voting for the election for the members for the Movement Charter drafting committee is now open. In total, 70 Wikimedians from around the world are running for 7 seats in these elections.
Voting is open from October 12 to October 24, 2021.
The committee will consist of 15 members in total: The online communities vote for 7 members, 6 members will be selected by the Wikimedia affiliates through a parallel process, and 2 members will be appointed by the Wikimedia Foundation. The plan is to assemble the committee by November 1, 2021.
Learn about each candidate to inform your vote in the language that you prefer: <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Movement_Charter/Drafting_Committee/Candidates>
Learn about the Drafting Committee: <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Movement_Charter/Drafting_Committee>
We are piloting a voting advice application for this election. Click yourself through the tool and you will see which candidate is closest to you! Check at <https://mcdc-election-compass.toolforge.org/>
Read the full announcement: <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Movement_Charter/Drafting_Committee/Elections>
Go vote at SecurePoll on: <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Movement_Charter/Drafting_Committee/Elections>
Movement Strategy & Governance Team, Wikimedia Foundation
Xeno (WMF) 18:35, 13. октобар 2021. (CEST)
Meet the new Movement Charter Drafting Committee members
[уреди]The Movement Charter Drafting Committee election and selection processes are complete.
- The election results have been published. 1018 participants voted to elect seven members to the committee: Richard Knipel (Pharos), Anne Clin (Risker), Alice Wiegand (Lyzzy), Michał Buczyński (Aegis Maelstrom), Richard (Nosebagbear), Ravan J Al-Taie (Ravan), Ciell (Ciell).
- The affiliate process has selected six members: Anass Sedrati (Anass Sedrati), Érica Azzellini (EricaAzzellini), Jamie Li-Yun Lin (Li-Yun Lin), Georges Fodouop (Geugeor), Manavpreet Kaur (Manavpreet Kaur), Pepe Flores (Padaguan).
- The Wikimedia Foundation has appointed two members: Runa Bhattacharjee (Runab WMF), Jorge Vargas (JVargas (WMF)).
The committee will convene soon to start its work. The committee can appoint up to three more members to bridge diversity and expertise gaps.
If you are interested in engaging with Movement Charter drafting process, follow the updates on Meta and join the Telegram group.
With thanks from the Movement Strategy and Governance team
16:53, 5. новембар 2021. (CET)
Upcoming Call for Feedback about the Board of Trustees elections
[уреди]- You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki.
The Board of Trustees is preparing a call for feedback about the upcoming Board Elections, from January 7 - February 10, 2022.
While details will be finalized the week before the call, we have confirmed at least two questions that will be asked during this call for feedback:
- What is the best way to ensure fair representation of emerging communities among the Board?
- What involvement should candidates have during the election?
While additional questions may be added, the Movement Strategy and Governance team wants to provide time for community members and affiliates to consider and prepare ideas on the confirmed questions before the call opens. We apologize for not having a complete list of questions at this time. The list of questions should only grow by one or two questions. The intention is to not overwhelm the community with requests, but provide notice and welcome feedback on these important questions.
Do you want to help organize local conversation during this Call?
Contact the Movement Strategy and Governance team on Meta, on Telegram, or via email at msgwikimedia.org.
Reach out if you have any questions or concerns. The Movement Strategy and Governance team will be minimally staffed until January 3. Please excuse any delayed response during this time. We also recognize some community members and affiliates are offline during the December holidays. We apologize if our message has reached you while you are on holiday.
Movement Strategy and Governance
Хвала. Xeno (WMF) 18:41, 27. децембар 2021. (CET)
Wiki Loves Folklore is back!
[уреди]Помозите у превођењу на свој језик

You are humbly invited to participate in the Wiki Loves Folklore 2022 an international photography contest organized on Wikimedia Commons to document folklore and intangible cultural heritage from different regions, including, folk creative activities and many more. It is held every year from the 1st till the 28th of February.
You can help in enriching the folklore documentation on Commons from your region by taking photos, audios, videos, and submitting them in this commons contest.
You can also organize a local contest in your country and support us in translating the project pages to help us spread the word in your native language.
Feel free to contact us on our project Talk page if you need any assistance.
Kind regards,
Wiki loves Folklore International Team
--MediaWiki message delivery (разговор) 14:15, 9. јануар 2022. (CET)
ВАЖНО: Преглед активности администратора
[уреди]Здраво. Правило везано за уклањање "напредних права" (попут администратора, бирократа, итд.) је усвојено глобалним консензусом заједнице 2013-те године. Према овом правилу, стјуарди проверавају администраторску активност на свим викијима Викимедијине Фондације без правила везаних за неактивност. Према нашем најбољем сазнању, ваш вики нема формалан процес за уклањање "напредних права" неактивним налозима. Ово значи да ће се стјуарди за ово побринути према прегледу администраторске активности.
Утврдили смо да следећи корисници испуњавају критеријуме неактивности (без измена и без забележених акција више од две године):
- Kizule (администратор, администратор интерфејса)
Наведени корисници ће ускоро примити обавештење, тражећи од њих да започну дискусију заједнице уколико желе да задрже нека или сва своја права. Уколико корисници не одговоре, онда ће њихова напредна права бити уклоњена од стране стјуарда.
Међутим, ако бисте као заједница желели да креирате властити процес прегледа активности који замењује глобални, желите да донесете још једну одлуку о неактивним носиоцима права, или већ имате политику коју смо пропустили, молимо Вас да нас у том случају обавестите на стјуарде на Мета-викију тако да знамо да не треба наставити са разматрањем права на вашем викију. Хвала, Stanglavine (разговор) 19:05, 11. јануар 2022. (CET)
Subscribe to the This Month in Education newsletter - learn from others and share your stories
[уреди]Dear community members,
Greetings from the EWOC Newsletter team and the education team at Wikimedia Foundation. We are very excited to share that we on tenth years of Education Newsletter (This Month in Education) invite you to join us by subscribing to the newsletter on your talk page or by sharing your activities in the upcoming newsletters. The Wikimedia Education newsletter is a monthly newsletter that collects articles written by community members using Wikimedia projects in education around the world, and it is published by the EWOC Newsletter team in collaboration with the Education team. These stories can bring you new ideas to try, valuable insights about the success and challenges of our community members in running education programs in their context.
If your affiliate/language project is developing its own education initiatives, please remember to take advantage of this newsletter to publish your stories with the wider movement that shares your passion for education. You can submit newsletter articles in your own language or submit bilingual articles for the education newsletter. For the month of January the deadline to submit articles is on the 20th January. We look forward to reading your stories.
Older versions of this newsletter can be found in the complete archive.
More information about the newsletter can be found at Education/Newsletter/About.
For more information, please contact spatnaikwikimedia.org.
Раднa групa за развој лидерства: Објава позива за прикупљање повратних информација
[уреди]Поштовани чланови заједнице,
Тим за развој заједнице при Фондацији Викимедија подржава стварање глобалне Радне групе за развој лидерства под вођством заједнице. Сврха радне групе је да саветује рад на развоју лидерства.
Тим тражи повратне информације о одговорностима Радне групе за развој лидерства.
На овој Мета страници налази се предлог за Радну групу за развој лидерства и како можете да помогнете.
Повратне информације о предлогу ће се прикупљати од 7. до 25. фебруара 2022. године.
Своје сугестије и коментаре можете оставити овде или на Мета страници за разговор.
--BPipal (WMF) (разговор) 20:03, 9. фебруар 2022. (CET)
Тим за стратегију и управљање покретом
Wiki Loves Folklore is extended till 15th March
Greetings from Wiki Loves Folklore International Team,
We are pleased to inform you that Wiki Loves Folklore an international photographic contest on Wikimedia Commons has been extended till the 15th of March 2022. The scope of the contest is focused on folk culture of different regions on categories, such as, but not limited to, folk festivals, folk dances, folk music, folk activities, etc.
We would like to have your immense participation in the photographic contest to document your local Folk culture on Wikipedia. You can also help with the translation of project pages and share a word in your local language.
Best wishes,
International Team
Wiki Loves Folklore
MediaWiki message delivery (разговор) 05:50, 22. фебруар 2022. (CET)
Coming soon
[уреди]Several improvements around templates
[уреди]Hello, from March 9, several improvements around templates will become available on your wiki:
- Fundamental improvements of the VisualEditor template dialog (1, 2),
- Improvements to make it easier to put a template on a page (3) (for the template dialogs in VisualEditor, 2010 Wikitext and New Wikitext Mode),
- and improvements in the syntax highlighting extension CodeMirror (4, 5) (which is available on wikis with writing direction left-to-right).
- Johanna Strodt (WMDE) 13:38, 28. фебруар 2022. (CET)
Wiki Loves Folklore 2022 ends tomorrow
International photographic contest Wiki Loves Folklore 2022 ends on 15th March 2022 23:59:59 UTC. This is the last chance of the year to upload images about local folk culture, festival, cuisine, costume, folklore etc on Wikimedia Commons. Watch out our social media handles for regular updates and declaration of Winners.
(Facebook , Twitter , Instagram)
The writing competition Feminism and Folklore will run till 31st of March 2022 23:59:59 UTC. Write about your local folk tradition, women, folk festivals, folk dances, folk music, folk activities, folk games, folk cuisine, folk wear, folklore, and tradition, including ballads, folktales, fairy tales, legends, traditional song and dance, folk plays, games, seasonal events, calendar customs, folk arts, folk religion, mythology etc. on your local Wikipedia. Check if your local Wikipedia is participating
A special competition called Wiki Loves Falles is organised in Spain and the world during 15th March 2022 till 15th April 2022 to document local folk culture and Falles in Valencia, Spain. Learn more about it on Catalan Wikipedia project page.
We look forward for your immense co-operation.
Thanks Wiki Loves Folklore international Team MediaWiki message delivery (разговор) 15:40, 14. март 2022. (CET)
Вести о Стратегији и управљању покретом - Број 6
[уреди]Број 6, април 2022.Прочитајте цео билтен
Добродошли у шесто издање Билтена Стратегије и управљања покретом! Овај преуређени билтен преноси важне вести и догађаје о Повељи покрета, Универзалном кодексу понашања, грантовима за имплементацију Стратегије покрета, изборима за Одбор повереника и другим релевантним темама МСГ-а.
Овај билтен ће излазити квартално, док ће се одређене вести достављати недељно. Не заборавите да се пријавите овде ако желите да примате будућа издања овог билтена.
- Развој лидерства - Формира се радна група! - Пријава за придруживање Радној групи за развој лидерства затворена је 10. априла 2022. и биће изабрано највише 12 чланова заједнице који ће учествовати у њеном раду. (Наставите са читањем)
- Објављени су резултати ратификације Универзалног кодекса понашања! - Глобални процес одлучивања о спровођењу УЦоЦ одржан је од 7. до 21. марта путем SecurePoll система. Преко 2.300 бирача са правом гласа из најмање 128 различитих пројеката дало је своја мишљења и коментаре. (Наставите са читањем)
- Дискусија о хабовима – Глобални разговор о регионалним и тематским чвориштима одржан је у суботу, 12. марта, а присуствовало му је 84 различита Викимедијанаца из целог покрета. (Наставите са читањем)
- Грантови стратегије покрета остају отворени! - Од почетка године одобрено је шест предлога укупне вредности око 80.000 УСД. Да ли имате идеју за пројекат Стратегије покрета? Обратите нам се! (Наставите са читањем)
- Одбор за израду Повеље покрета је спреман! - Комисија од петнаест чланова, која је изабрана у октобру 2021. године, усагласила је суштинске вредности и методе за свој рад и приступила изради предлога нацрта Повеље покрета. (Наставите са читањем)
- Представљамо недељник Стратегије покрета - Дајте свој допринос и пријавите се! - MSG тим је покренуо портал новости који је повезан са различитим страницама Стратегије покрета на Мета-викију. Пријавите се да бисте добијали најновије вести о текућим пројектима. (Наставите са читањем)
- Diff блогови - Погледајте најновије публикације о Стратегији покрета на страници Викимедија Diff. (Наставите са читањем)
--BPipal (WMF) (разговор) 18:11, 13. април 2022. (CEST)
Coming soon: Improvements for templates
[уреди]Hello, more changes around templates are coming to your wiki soon:
The template dialog in VisualEditor and in the 2017 Wikitext Editor (beta) will be improved fundamentally: This should help users understand better what the template expects, how to navigate the template, and how to add parameters.
In syntax highlighting (CodeMirror extension), you can activate a colorblind-friendly color scheme with a user setting.
Deployment is planned for May 10. This is the last set of improvements from WMDE Technical Wishes' focus area “Templates”.
We would love to hear your feedback on our talk pages!
-- Johanna Strodt (WMDE) 13:14, 29. април 2022. (CEST)
Editing news 2022 #1
[уреди]Read this in another language • Subscription list for this multilingual newsletter

The New topic tool helps editors create new ==Sections== on discussion pages. New editors are more successful with this new tool. You can read the report. Soon, the Editing team will offer this to all editors at the 20 Wikipedias that participated in the test. You will be able to turn it off at Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-editing-discussion.
Whatamidoing (WMF) 20:55, 2. мај 2022. (CEST)
Results of Wiki Loves Folklore 2022 is out!
[уреди]Помозите у превођењу на свој језик

Hi, Greetings
The winners for Wiki Loves Folklore 2022 is announced!
We are happy to share with you winning images for this year's edition. This year saw over 8,584 images represented on commons in over 92 countries. Kindly see images here
Our profound gratitude to all the people who participated and organized local contests and photo walks for this project.
We hope to have you contribute to the campaign next year.
Thank you,
Wiki Loves Folklore International Team
--MediaWiki message delivery (разговор) 18:13, 4. јул 2022. (CEST)
The Vector 2022 skin as the default in two weeks?
Hello. I'm writing on behalf of the Wikimedia Foundation Web team. In two weeks, we would like to make the Vector 2022 skin the default on this wiki.
We have been working on it for the past three years. So far, it has been the default on more than 30 wikis, including sister projects, all accounting for more than 1 billion pageviews per month. On average 87% of active logged-in users of those wikis use Vector 2022.
It would become the default for all logged-out users, and also all logged-in users who currently use Vector legacy. Logged-in users can at any time switch to any other skins. No changes are expected for users of these skins.
- Top of an article
Vector legacy (current default)
Vector 2022
- A section of an article
Vector legacy (current default)
Vector 2022
About the skin
[уреди][Why is a change necessary] The current default skin meets the needs of the readers and editors as these were 13 years ago. Since then, new users have begun using Wikimedia projects. The old Vector doesn't meet their needs.
[Objective] The objective for the new skin is to make the interface more welcoming and comfortable for readers and useful for advanced users. It draws inspiration from previous requests, the Community Wishlist Surveys, and gadgets and scripts. The work helped our code follow the standards and improve all other skins. We reduced PHP code in Wikimedia deployed skins by 75%. The project has also focused on making it easier to support gadgets and use APIs.
[Changes and test results] The skin introduces a series of changes that improve readability and usability. The new skin does not remove any functionality currently available on the Vector skin.
- The sticky header makes it easier to find tools that editors use often. It decreases scrolling to the top of the page by 16%.
- The new table of contents makes it easier to navigate to different sections. Readers and editors jumped to different sections of the page 50% more than with the old table of contents. It also looks a bit different on talk pages.
- The new search bar is easier to find and makes it easier to find the correct search result from the list. This increased the amount of searches started by 30% on the wikis we tested on.
- The skin does not negatively affect pageviews, edit rates, or account creation. There is evidence of increases in pageviews and account creation across partner communities.
[Try it out] Try out the new skin by going to the appearance tab in your preferences and selecting Vector 2022 from the list of skins.
How can editors change and customize this skin?
[уреди]It's possible to configure and personalize our changes. We support volunteers who create new gadgets and user scripts. Check out our repository for a list of currently available customizations, or add your own.
Our plan
[уреди]If no large concerns are raised, we plan on deploying in the week of October 3, 2022. If your community would like to request more time to discuss the changes, hit the button and write to us. We can adjust the calendar.
If you'd like ask our team anything, if you have questions, concerns, or additional thoughts, please ping me here or write on the talk page of the project. We will gladly answer! Also, see our FAQ. Thank you! SGrabarczuk (WMF) (talk) 06:14, 22. септембар 2022. (CEST)
Community Wishlist Survey 2023 opens in January
[уреди]Помозите у превођењу на свој језик
(There is a translatable version of this message on MetaWiki)
The Community Wishlist Survey (CWS) 2023, which lets contributors propose and vote for tools and improvements, starts next month on Monday, 23 January 2023, at 18:00 UTC and will continue annually.
We are inviting you to share your ideas for technical improvements to our tools and platforms. Long experience in editing or technical skills is not required. If you have ever used our software and thought of an idea to improve it, this is the place to come share those ideas!
The dates for the phases of the Survey will be as follows:
- Phase 1: Submit, discuss, and revise proposals – Monday, Jan 23, 2023 to Sunday, Feb 6, 2023
- Phase 2: WMF/Community Tech reviews and organizes proposals – Monday, Jan 30, 2023 to Friday, Feb 10, 2023
- Phase 3: Vote on proposals – Friday, Feb 10, 2023 to Friday, Feb 24, 2023
- Phase 4: Results posted – Tuesday, Feb 28, 2023
If you want to start writing out your ideas ahead of the Survey, you can start thinking about your proposals and draft them in the CWS sandbox.
We are grateful to all who participated last year. See you in January 2023!
Хвала вам! Community Tech, STei (WMF) 17:44, 15. децембар 2022. (CET)
Global ban for PlanespotterA320/RespectCE
[уреди]Per the Global bans policy, I'm informing the project of this request for comment: m:Requests for comment/Global ban for PlanespotterA320 (2) about banning a member from your community. Thank you.--Lemonaka (talk) 21:40, 6 February 2023 (UTC)
ВАЖНО: Преглед активности администратора
[уреди]Здраво. Правило везано за уклањање "напредних права" (попут администратора, бирократа, итд.) је усвојено глобалним консензусом заједнице 2013-те године. Према овом правилу, стјуарди проверавају администраторску активност на свим викијима Викимедијине Фондације без правила везаних за неактивност. Према нашем најбољем сазнању, ваш вики нема формалан процес за уклањање "напредних права" неактивним налозима. Ово значи да ће се стјуарди за ово побринути према прегледу администраторске активности.
Утврдили смо да следећи корисници испуњавају критеријуме неактивности (без измена и без забележених акција више од две године):
- Dungodung (бирократа, администратор)
Наведени корисници ће ускоро примити обавештење, тражећи од њих да започну дискусију заједнице уколико желе да задрже нека или сва своја права. Уколико корисници не одговоре, онда ће њихова напредна права бити уклоњена од стране стјуарда.
Међутим, ако бисте као заједница желели да креирате властити процес прегледа активности који замењује глобални, желите да донесете још једну одлуку о неактивним носиоцима права, или већ имате политику коју смо пропустили, молимо Вас да нас у том случају обавестите на стјуарде на Мета-викију тако да знамо да не треба наставити са разматрањем права на вашем викију. Хвала, Uncitoyen (разговор) 23:50, 19. фебруар 2023. (CET)
Editing news 2023 #1
[уреди]Read this in another language • Subscription list for this multilingual newsletter
This newsletter includes two key updates about the Editing team's work:
- The Editing team will finish adding new features to the Talk pages project and deploy it.
- They are beginning a new project, Edit check.
Talk pages project

The Editing team is nearly finished with this first phase of the Talk pages project. Nearly all new features are available now in the Beta Feature for Алатке за разговор.
It will show information about how active a discussion is, such as the date of the most recent comment. There will soon be a new "Додај тему" button. You will be able to turn them off at Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-editing-discussion. Please tell them what you think.

An A/B test for Алатке за разговор on the mobile site has finished. Editors were more successful with Алатке за разговор. The Editing team is enabling these features for all editors on the mobile site.
New Project: Edit Check
The Editing team is beginning a project to help new editors of Wikipedia. It will help people identify some problems before they click "Објави измену". The first tool will encourage people to add references when they add new content. Please watch that page for more information. You can join a conference call on 3 March 2023 to learn more.
–Whatamidoing (WMF) (разговор) 00:24, 23. фебруар 2023. (CET)
Your wiki will be in read only soon
[уреди]Read this message in another language • Помозите у превођењу на свој језик
The Wikimedia Foundation tests the switch between its first and secondary data centers. This will make sure that Wikipedia and the other Wikimedia wikis can stay online even after a disaster. To make sure everything is working, the Wikimedia Technology department needs to do a planned test. This test will show if they can reliably switch from one data centre to the other. It requires many teams to prepare for the test and to be available to fix any unexpected problems.
All traffic will switch on 1 March. The test will start at 14:00 UTC.
Unfortunately, because of some limitations in MediaWiki, all editing must stop while the switch is made. We apologize for this disruption, and we are working to minimize it in the future.
You will be able to read, but not edit, all wikis for a short period of time.
- You will not be able to edit for up to an hour on Wednesday 1 March 2023.
- If you try to edit or save during these times, you will see an error message. We hope that no edits will be lost during these minutes, but we can't guarantee it. If you see the error message, then please wait until everything is back to normal. Then you should be able to save your edit. But, we recommend that you make a copy of your changes first, just in case.
Other effects:
- Background jobs will be slower and some may be dropped. Red links might not be updated as quickly as normal. If you create an article that is already linked somewhere else, the link will stay red longer than usual. Some long-running scripts will have to be stopped.
- We expect the code deployments to happen as any other week. However, some case-by-case code freezes could punctually happen if the operation require them afterwards.
- GitLab will be unavailable for about 90 minutes.
Trizek (WMF) (Разговор) 22:20, 27. фебруар 2023. (CET)
Wikimania 2023 Welcoming Program Submissions
Your wiki will be in read-only soon
[уреди]Read this message in another language • Помозите у превођењу на свој језик
The Wikimedia Foundation tests the switch between its first and secondary data centers. This will make sure that Wikipedia and the other Wikimedia wikis can stay online even after a disaster. To make sure everything is working, the Wikimedia Technology department needs to do a planned test. This test will show if they can reliably switch from one data centre to the other. It requires many teams to prepare for the test and to be available to fix any unexpected problems.
All traffic will switch on 26 April. The test will start at 14:00 UTC.
Unfortunately, because of some limitations in MediaWiki, all editing must stop while the switch is made. We apologize for this disruption, and we are working to minimize it in the future.
You will be able to read, but not edit, all wikis for a short period of time.
- You will not be able to edit for up to an hour on Wednesday 26 April 2023.
- If you try to edit or save during these times, you will see an error message. We hope that no edits will be lost during these minutes, but we can't guarantee it. If you see the error message, then please wait until everything is back to normal. Then you should be able to save your edit. But, we recommend that you make a copy of your changes first, just in case.
Other effects:
- Background jobs will be slower and some may be dropped. Red links might not be updated as quickly as normal. If you create an article that is already linked somewhere else, the link will stay red longer than usual. Some long-running scripts will have to be stopped.
- We expect the code deployments to happen as any other week. However, some case-by-case code freezes could punctually happen if the operation require them afterwards.
- GitLab will be unavailable for about 90 minutes.
MediaWiki message delivery 02:42, 21. април 2023. (CEST)
Seeking volunteers for the next step in the Universal Code of Conduct process
As follow-up to the message about the Universal Code of Conduct Enforcement Guidelines by Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees Vice Chair, Shani Evenstein Sigalov, I am reaching out about the next steps. I want to bring your attention to the next stage of the Universal Code of Conduct process, which is forming a building committee for the Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C). I invite community members with experience and deep interest in community health and governance to nominate themselves to be part of the U4C building committee, which needs people who are:
- Community members in good standing
- Knowledgeable about movement community processes, such as, but not limited to, policy drafting, participatory decision making, and application of existing rules and policies on Wikimedia projects
- Aware and appreciative of the diversity of the movement, such as, but not limited to, languages spoken, identity, geography, and project type
- Committed to participate for the entire U4C Building Committee period from mid-May - December 2023
- Comfortable with engaging in difficult, but productive conversations
- Confidently able to communicate in English
The Building Committee shall consist of volunteer community members, affiliate board or staff, and Wikimedia Foundation staff.
The Universal Code of Conduct has been a process strengthened by the skills and knowledge of the community and I look forward to what the U4C Building Committee creates. If you are interested in joining the Building Committee, please either sign up on the Meta-Wiki page, or contact ucocprojectwikimedia.org by May 12, 2023. Read more on Meta-Wiki.
Best regards,
Xeno (WMF) 21:00, 26. април 2023. (CEST)
Selection of the U4C Building Committee
[уреди]The next stage in the Universal Code of Conduct process is establishing a Building Committee to create the charter for the Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C). The Building Committee has been selected. Read about the members and the work ahead on Meta-wiki.
-- UCoC Project Team, 06:20, 27. мај 2023. (CEST)
Announcing the new Elections Committee members
[уреди]Hello there,
We are glad to announce the new members and advisors of the Elections Committee. The Elections Committee assists with the design and implementation of the process to select Community- and Affiliate-Selected trustees for the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees. After an open nomination process, the strongest candidates spoke with the Board and four candidates were asked to join the Elections Committee. Four other candidates were asked to participate as advisors.
Thank you to all the community members who submitted their names for consideration. We look forward to working with the Elections Committee in the near future.
On behalf of the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees,
RamzyM (WMF) 19:59, 28. јун 2023. (CEST)
Review the Charter for the Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee
[уреди]Hello all,
I am pleased to share the next step in the Universal Code of Conduct work. The Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C) draft charter is now ready for your review.
The Enforcement Guidelines require a Building Committee form to draft a charter that outlines procedures and details for a global committee to be called the Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C). Over the past few months, the U4C Building Committee worked together as a group to discuss and draft the U4C charter. The U4C Building Committee welcomes feedback about the draft charter now through 22 September 2023. After that date, the U4C Building Committee will revise the charter as needed and a community vote will open shortly afterward.
Join the conversation during the conversation hours or on Meta-wiki.
RamzyM (WMF), on behalf of the U4C Building Committee, 17:35, 28. август 2023. (CEST)
Your wiki will be in read-only soon
[уреди]Read this message in another language • Помозите у превођењу на свој језик
The Wikimedia Foundation will switch the traffic between its data centers. This will make sure that Wikipedia and the other Wikimedia wikis can stay online even after a disaster. To make sure everything is working, the Wikimedia Technology department needs to do a planned test. This test will show if they can reliably switch from one data centre to the other. It requires many teams to prepare for the test and to be available to fix any unexpected problems.
All traffic will switch on 20 September. The test will start at 14:00 UTC.
Unfortunately, because of some limitations in MediaWiki, all editing must stop while the switch is made. We apologize for this disruption, and we are working to minimize it in the future.
You will be able to read, but not edit, all wikis for a short period of time.
- You will not be able to edit for up to an hour on Wednesday 20 September 2023.
- If you try to edit or save during these times, you will see an error message. We hope that no edits will be lost during these minutes, but we can't guarantee it. If you see the error message, then please wait until everything is back to normal. Then you should be able to save your edit. But, we recommend that you make a copy of your changes first, just in case.
Other effects:
- Background jobs will be slower and some may be dropped. Red links might not be updated as quickly as normal. If you create an article that is already linked somewhere else, the link will stay red longer than usual. Some long-running scripts will have to be stopped.
- We expect the code deployments to happen as any other week. However, some case-by-case code freezes could punctually happen if the operation require them afterwards.
- GitLab will be unavailable for about 90 minutes.
Trizek_(WMF) (talk) 11:24, 15. септембар 2023. (CEST)
== Opportunities open for the Affiliations Committee, Ombuds commission, and the Case Review Committee ==
[уреди]You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki.
Више језика • Помозите у превођењу на свој језикHi everyone! The Affiliations Committee (AffCom), Ombuds commission (OC), and the Case Review Committee (CRC) are looking for new members. These volunteer groups provide important structural and oversight support for the community and movement. People are encouraged to nominate themselves or encourage others they feel would contribute to these groups to apply. There is more information about the roles of the groups, the skills needed, and the opportunity to apply on the Meta-wiki page.
On behalf of the Committee Support team,
Review and comment on the 2024 Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees selection rules package
[уреди]Dear all,
Please review and comment on the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees selection rules package from now until 29 October 2023. The selection rules package was based on older versions by the Elections Committee and will be used in the 2024 Board of Trustees selection. Providing your comments now will help them provide a smoother, better Board selection process. More on the Meta-wiki page.
Katie Chan
Chair of the Elections Committee
03:12, 17. октобар 2023. (CEST)
The Vector 2022 skin as the default in two weeks?
[уреди]Read this in your language • Помозите у превођењу на свој језик • Please tell other users about these changes
Hello. I'm writing on behalf of the Wikimedia Foundation Web team. In two weeks, we would like to make the Vector 2022 skin the default on this wiki.

If you prefer keeping the current skin select "Vector legacy (2010)" on the appearance tab of the global preferences and save the change. We encourage you to give the new skin a try, though.
Since I last came to you with this question, many things have changed. The skin is now the default on most Wikipedias, and all logos are done! We have also made some tweaks in the skin itself. Below is the text I've sent to you once, but I'm sending it again, just slightly edited, for those who haven't seen it.
If you know what this is about, jump straight to the section "Our plan":
It would become the default for all logged-out users, and also all logged-in users who currently use Vector legacy as a local (but not global) preference. Logged-in users can at any time switch to any other skin. No changes are expected for these skins.
- Top of an article
Vector legacy (current default)
Vector 2022
- A section of an article
Vector legacy (current default)
Vector 2022
About the skin
[Why is a change necessary] When the current default skin was created, it reflected the needs of the readers and editors as these were 14 years ago. Since then, new users have begun using the Internet and Wikimedia projects in different ways. The old Vector does not meet their needs.
[Objective] The objective for the Vector 2022 skin is to make the interface more welcoming and comfortable for readers and useful for advanced users. It introduces a series of changes that aim to improve problems new and existing readers and editors were having with the old skin. It draws inspiration from previous user requests, the Community Wishlist Surveys, and gadgets and scripts. The work helped our code follow the standards and improve all other skins. The PHP code in the other available skins has been reduced by 75%. The project has also focused on making it easier to support gadgets and use APIs.

[Changes in a nutshell] The skin introduces changes that improve readability and usability. The new skin does not remove any functionality currently available on the Vector skin.
- The limited width and pin-able menus allow to adjust the interface to the screen size, and focus on editing or reading. Logged-in and logged-out users may use a toggle button to keep the full width, though.
- The sticky header makes it easier to find tools that editors use often. It decreases scrolling to the top of the page by 16%.
- The new table of contents makes it easier to navigate to different sections. Readers and editors jump to different sections of the page 50% more than with the old table of contents. It also looks a bit different on talk pages.
- The new search bar is easier to find and makes it easier to find the correct search result from the list. This increased the amount of searches started by 30% on the tested wikis.
- The skin does not negatively affect pageviews, edit rates, or account creation. There is evidence of increases in pageviews and account creation across partner communities.
[Customize this skin] It's possible to configure and personalize our changes. We support volunteers who create new gadgets and user scripts. Check out the repository for a list of currently available customizations and changes, or add your own.
Our plan
[уреди]If no large concerns are raised, we plan on deploying on 31 October. If you'd like to ask our team anything, if you have questions, concerns, or additional thoughts, please comment in any language. If this is the first comment to my message, make sure to ping me. We will gladly answer! Also, check out our FAQ. Thank you! SGrabarczuk (WMF) (разговор) 01:52, 19. октобар 2023. (CEST)
(New) Feature on Kartographer: Adding geopoints via QID
[уреди]Since September 2022, it is possible to create geopoints using a QID. Many wiki contributors have asked for this feature, but it is not being used much. Therefore, we would like to remind you about it. More information can be found on the project page. If you have any comments, please let us know on the talk page. – Best regards, the team of Technical Wishes at Wikimedia Deutschland
Thereza Mengs (WMDE) 13:31, 13. децембар 2023. (CET)
Do you use Wikidata in Wikimedia sibling projects? Tell us about your experiences
[уреди]Note: Apologies for cross-posting and sending in English.
Hello, the Wikidata for Wikimedia Projects team at Wikimedia Deutschland would like to hear about your experiences using Wikidata in the sibling projects. If you are interested in sharing your opinion and insights, please consider signing up for an interview with us in this Registration form.
Currently, we are only able to conduct interviews in English.
The front page of the form has more details about what the conversation will be like, including how we would compensate you for your time.
For more information, visit our project issue page where you can also share your experiences in written form, without an interview.
We look forward to speaking with you, Danny Benjafield (WMDE) (talk) 08:53, 5 January 2024 (UTC)
Reusing references: Can we look over your shoulder?
[уреди]Apologies for writing in English.
The Technical Wishes team at Wikimedia Deutschland is planning to make reusing references easier. For our research, we are looking for wiki contributors willing to show us how they are interacting with references.
- The format will be a 1-hour video call, where you would share your screen. More information here.
- Interviews can be conducted in English, German or Dutch.
- Compensation is available.
- Sessions will be held in January and February.
- Sign up here if you are interested.
- Please note that we probably won’t be able to have sessions with everyone who is interested. Our UX researcher will try to create a good balance of wiki contributors, e.g. in terms of wiki experience, tech experience, editing preferences, gender, disability and more. If you’re a fit, she will reach out to you to schedule an appointment.
We’re looking forward to seeing you, Thereza Mengs (WMDE)
Vote on the Charter for the Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee
[уреди]- You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki. Помозите у превођењу на свој језик
Hello all,
I am reaching out to you today to announce that the voting period for the Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C) Charter is now open. Community members may cast their vote and provide comments about the charter via SecurePoll now through 2 February 2024. Those of you who voiced your opinions during the development of the UCoC Enforcement Guidelines will find this process familiar.
The current version of the U4C Charter is on Meta-wiki with translations available.
Read the charter, go vote and share this note with others in your community. I can confidently say the U4C Building Committee looks forward to your participation.
On behalf of the UCoC Project team,
RamzyM (WMF) 19:07, 19. јануар 2024. (CET)
Last days to vote on the Charter for the Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee
[уреди]- You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki. Помозите у превођењу на свој језик
Hello all,
I am reaching out to you today to remind you that the voting period for the Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C) charter will close on 2 February 2024. Community members may cast their vote and provide comments about the charter via SecurePoll. Those of you who voiced your opinions during the development of the UCoC Enforcement Guidelines will find this process familiar.
The current version of the U4C charter is on Meta-wiki with translations available.
Read the charter, go vote and share this note with others in your community. I can confidently say the U4C Building Committee looks forward to your participation.
On behalf of the UCoC Project team,
RamzyM (WMF) 18:00, 31. јануар 2024. (CET)
Announcing the results of the UCoC Coordinating Committee Charter ratification vote
[уреди]- You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki. Помозите у превођењу на свој језик
Dear all,
Thank you everyone for following the progress of the Universal Code of Conduct. I am writing to you today to announce the outcome of the ratification vote on the Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee Charter. 1746 contributors voted in this ratification vote with 1249 voters supporting the Charter and 420 voters not. The ratification vote process allowed for voters to provide comments about the Charter.
A report of voting statistics and a summary of voter comments will be published on Meta-wiki in the coming weeks.
Please look forward to hearing about the next steps soon.
On behalf of the UCoC Project team,
RamzyM (WMF) 19:23, 12. фебруар 2024. (CET)
Report of the U4C Charter ratification and U4C Call for Candidates now available
[уреди]- You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki. Помозите у превођењу на свој језик
Hello all,
I am writing to you today with two important pieces of information. First, the report of the comments from the Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C) Charter ratification is now available. Secondly, the call for candidates for the U4C is open now through April 1, 2024.
The Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C) is a global group dedicated to providing an equitable and consistent implementation of the UCoC. Community members are invited to submit their applications for the U4C. For more information and the responsibilities of the U4C, please review the U4C Charter.
Per the charter, there are 16 seats on the U4C: eight community-at-large seats and eight regional seats to ensure the U4C represents the diversity of the movement.
Read more and submit your application on Meta-wiki.
On behalf of the UCoC project team,
RamzyM (WMF) 17:25, 5. март 2024. (CET)
Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees 2024 Selection
[уреди]Dear all,
This year, the term of 4 (four) Community- and Affiliate-selected Trustees on the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees will come to an end [1]. The Board invites the whole movement to participate in this year’s selection process and vote to fill those seats.
The Elections Committee will oversee this process with support from Foundation staff [2]. The Board Governance Committee created a Board Selection Working Group from Trustees who cannot be candidates in the 2024 community- and affiliate-selected trustee selection process composed of Dariusz Jemielniak, Nataliia Tymkiv, Esra'a Al Shafei, Kathy Collins, and Shani Evenstein Sigalov [3]. The group is tasked with providing Board oversight for the 2024 trustee selection process, and for keeping the Board informed. More details on the roles of the Elections Committee, Board, and staff are here [4].
Here are the key planned dates:
- May 2024: Call for candidates and call for questions
- June 2024: Affiliates vote to shortlist 12 candidates (no shortlisting if 15 or less candidates apply) [5]
- June-August 2024: Campaign period
- End of August / beginning of September 2024: Two-week community voting period
- October–November 2024: Background check of selected candidates
- Board's Meeting in December 2024: New trustees seated
Learn more about the 2024 selection process - including the detailed timeline, the candidacy process, the campaign rules, and the voter eligibility criteria - on this Meta-wiki page, and make your plan.
Election Volunteers
Another way to be involved with the 2024 selection process is to be an Election Volunteer. Election Volunteers are a bridge between the Elections Committee and their respective community. They help ensure their community is represented and mobilize them to vote. Learn more about the program and how to join on this Meta-wiki page.
Best regards,
Dariusz Jemielniak (Governance Committee Chair, Board Selection Working Group)
[2] https://foundation.wikimedia.org/wiki/Committee:Elections_Committee_Charter
[3] https://foundation.wikimedia.org/wiki/Minutes:2023-08-15#Governance_Committee
[4] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Foundation_elections_committee/Roles
[5] Even though the ideal number is 12 candidates for 4 open seats, the shortlisting process will be triggered if there are more than 15 candidates because the 1-3 candidates that are removed might feel ostracized and it would be a lot of work for affiliates to carry out the shortlisting process to only eliminate 1-3 candidates from the candidate list.
MPossoupe_(WMF)20:56, 12. март 2024. (CET)
Your wiki will be in read-only soon
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The Wikimedia Foundation will switch the traffic between its data centers. This will make sure that Wikipedia and the other Wikimedia wikis can stay online even after a disaster.
All traffic will switch on 20 March. The test will start at 14:00 UTC.
Unfortunately, because of some limitations in MediaWiki, all editing must stop while the switch is made. We apologize for this disruption, and we are working to minimize it in the future.
You will be able to read, but not edit, all wikis for a short period of time.
- You will not be able to edit for up to an hour on Wednesday 20 March 2024.
- If you try to edit or save during these times, you will see an error message. We hope that no edits will be lost during these minutes, but we can't guarantee it. If you see the error message, then please wait until everything is back to normal. Then you should be able to save your edit. But, we recommend that you make a copy of your changes first, just in case.
Other effects:
- Background jobs will be slower and some may be dropped. Red links might not be updated as quickly as normal. If you create an article that is already linked somewhere else, the link will stay red longer than usual. Some long-running scripts will have to be stopped.
- We expect the code deployments to happen as any other week. However, some case-by-case code freezes could punctually happen if the operation require them afterwards.
- GitLab will be unavailable for about 90 minutes.
Trizek (WMF), 01:01, 15. март 2024. (CET)
Vote now to select members of the first U4C
[уреди]- You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki. Помозите у превођењу на свој језик
Dear all,
I am writing to you to let you know the voting period for the Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C) is open now through May 9, 2024. Read the information on the voting page on Meta-wiki to learn more about voting and voter eligibility.
The Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C) is a global group dedicated to providing an equitable and consistent implementation of the UCoC. Community members were invited to submit their applications for the U4C. For more information and the responsibilities of the U4C, please review the U4C Charter.
Please share this message with members of your community so they can participate as well.
On behalf of the UCoC project team,
RamzyM (WMF) 22:19, 25. април 2024. (CEST)
Sign up for the language community meeting on May 31st, 16:00 UTC
[уреди]Hello all,
The next language community meeting is scheduled in a few weeks - May 31st at 16:00 UTC. If you're interested, you can sign up on this wiki page.
This is a participant-driven meeting, where we share language-specific updates related to various projects, collectively discuss technical issues related to language wikis, and work together to find possible solutions. For example, in the last meeting, the topics included the machine translation service (MinT) and the languages and models it currently supports, localization efforts from the Kiwix team, and technical challenges with numerical sorting in files used on Bengali Wikisource.
Do you have any ideas for topics to share technical updates related to your project? Any problems that you would like to bring for discussion during the meeting? Do you need interpretation support from English to another language? Please reach out to me at ssethi(__AT__)wikimedia.org and add agenda items to the document here.
We look forward to your participation!
MediaWiki message delivery 23:22, 14. мај 2024. (CEST)
Feedback invited on Procedure for Sibling Project Lifecycle
[уреди]- You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki. Помозите у превођењу на свој језик

Dear community members,
The Community Affairs Committee (CAC) of the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees invites you to give feedback on a draft Procedure for Sibling Project Lifecycle. This draft Procedure outlines proposed steps and requirements for opening and closing Wikimedia Sibling Projects, and aims to ensure any newly approved projects are set up for success. This is separate from the procedures for opening or closing language versions of projects, which is handled by the Language Committee or closing projects policy.
You can find the details on this page, as well as the ways to give your feedback from today until the end of the day on June 23, 2024, anywhere on Earth.
You can also share information about this with the interested project communities you work with or support, and you can also help us translate the procedure into more languages, so people can join the discussions in their own language.
On behalf of the CAC,
RamzyM (WMF) 04:24, 22. мај 2024. (CEST)
Announcing the first Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee
[уреди]- You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki. Помозите у превођењу на свој језик
The scrutineers have finished reviewing the vote results. We are following up with the results of the first Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C) election.
We are pleased to announce the following individuals as regional members of the U4C, who will fulfill a two-year term:
- North America (USA and Canada)
- –
- Northern and Western Europe
- Latin America and Caribbean
- –
- Central and East Europe (CEE)
- —
- Sub-Saharan Africa
- –
- Middle East and North Africa
- East, South East Asia and Pacific (ESEAP)
- South Asia
- –
The following individuals are elected to be community-at-large members of the U4C, fulfilling a one-year term:
- Barkeep49
- Superpes15
- Civvì
- Luke081515
- –
- –
- –
- –
Thank you again to everyone who participated in this process and much appreciation to the candidates for your leadership and dedication to the Wikimedia movement and community.
Over the next few weeks, the U4C will begin meeting and planning the 2024-25 year in supporting the implementation and review of the UCoC and Enforcement Guidelines. Follow their work on Meta-wiki.
On behalf of the UCoC project team,
RamzyM (WMF) 10:14, 3. јун 2024. (CEST)
The final text of the Wikimedia Movement Charter is now on Meta
[уреди]- You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki. Помозите у превођењу на свој језик
Hi everyone,
The final text of the Wikimedia Movement Charter is now up on Meta in more than 20 languages for your reading.
What is the Wikimedia Movement Charter?
The Wikimedia Movement Charter is a proposed document to define roles and responsibilities for all the members and entities of the Wikimedia movement, including the creation of a new body – the Global Council – for movement governance.
Join the Wikimedia Movement Charter “Launch Party”
Join the “Launch Party” on June 20, 2024 at 14.00-15.00 UTC (your local time). During this call, we will celebrate the release of the final Charter and present the content of the Charter. Join and learn about the Charter before casting your vote.
Movement Charter ratification vote
Voting will commence on SecurePoll on June 25, 2024 at 00:01 UTC and will conclude on July 9, 2024 at 23:59 UTC. You can read more about the voting process, eligibility criteria, and other details on Meta.
If you have any questions, please leave a comment on the Meta talk page or email the MCDC at mcdc@wikimedia.org.
On behalf of the MCDC,
RamzyM (WMF) 10:44, 11. јун 2024. (CEST)